Bad ideas part 2

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No one's POV

M/n stood there looking pissed when he saw his buddy fall tot he ground because of this irritating thing in front of him.

M/n started to growl while getting in a lower stance while still standing.

The three men watching this go down started to get worried for Retsu at this point. They saw what m/n did to that tiger this was not gonna end well.

"Get that man out of there!" Professor Albert exclaimed but is shut down my captain.

"We can't just stop the fight now, we got to see pickle fight it's unfair to m/n to end the match before he can even try anything-"

"But this is suicide! We can't just watch as this man is eating alive" professor cuts him off.

Back to m/n, pickle and retsu

M/n growled as I glared daggers into the tall man in front of him.

M/n was now standing in front of pickle as retsu got in a fighting stance in case m/n tried anything.

M/n was about to attack but stopped once he heard pickle growling behind him. He looked back to see pickle was in a stance that lions get in before they attack.

Retsu stayed on guard tensing his body and getting ready to defend no attack...he wasn't going to dodge nor retreat, he was going to attack head on.

M/n saw his buddy's stance and smile excitedly as he got ready to fight with his friend beside him. They were going to kill this man in front of them and nothing was going to stop them.

In a moment of seconds m/n and pickle lunged towards the man at rapid speed cause Retsu to go flying out of the arena and down the hallway he came in from.

Pickle stood there in the arena with tears streaming down his face while m/n ran down the hallway looking for Retsu with a bloodthirsty look in there eyes. Pickle soon joined m/n in finding there new food.

Once m/n and pickle found Retsu laying on the floor unconscious they new it was time to eat...but pickle didn't move yet.

M/n looked up at pickle curiously because the beast that fought first gets first dibs and m/n was wounding my pickle hasnt dug in yet.

As m/n looked at pickle their heart sank once they saw the tears. M/n wasn't much of a crier but they hated seeing there favourite person crying.

Due to m/n height they had a disadvantage in cheer up his buddy so he decided to hug pickles arm to his body to give pickle reassurance.

The moment was soon interrupted by Tokugawa shouting about 'how they shouldn't eat Retsu and his was a noble warrior and doesn't deserve to be food'

But that was cut off by m/n throwing him into a wall causing him to fall unconscious.

But just them pickle let out a loud roar. It was so loud that the people around the property could hear.

Couple minutes later

Pickle was eating Retsu's leg while m/n was eating a bit of chewy skin that was on retsu's forearm.

This meal was cut short by pickle falling unconscious. This caused m/n to be on guard at look for who caused this.

M/n eyes fell on Albert holding up a needle. M/n started to growl at the professor while standing up to protect his sleeping friend.

Suddenly m/n was pulled to the floor with chains that guard were holding. M/n thrashed around violently trying to out of the chain and hissed when he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

The professor had injected sedatives to make this tiny cave man fall asleep. He watch as m/n eyes fluttered shut as drift off to sleep.

"I told them this was going to be bad idea.."

"There were two?!"  **Pickle x male reader**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ