The outside

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after the fight between the generations, Retsu was transported to a hospital as he was treated. He awoke in the hospital bed without a right leg and a bandaged bite wound on his left shoulder.

'I feel ashamed of myself...I broke my pledge to pickle and angered m/n' Retsu thought to himself thinking about what would happen if he saw them again.

He shook at the thought of meeting m/n again on his bad side, the feeling of being ripped apart by a small yet powerful man would ruin everything Retsu stood for.

And just like wildfire the news about Retsu being eaten was startling to the ears across the Atsugi base reunion members.


A safe-lock door was broken and wide open. The two scientists before it looked like they've seen a ghost.

Faces whiter than snow itself.

"The was enough anaesthetic to knock out a bull elephant for a whole day" professor Albert speaking remembering he was the one who gave them the shot.

He couldn't tell if it was pickle or m/n who created this mess I front of them.

"That was only a couple hours ago too" Albert added not taking his eyes off the screen.

"It certainly isn't something you see everyday that's for sure" Tokugawa finally speaks up unsure about what is really happening.


They were sitting on a roof top of the building closest to where they escaped, staring at the scene in front of them.

Pickle showed no emotion to the scene while m/n showed disgust.

M/n had never really liked the bright lights not even back at the Stone Age, they always preferred the dark and quiet.

M/n only hunted at night when the animals and dinosaurs were asleep, the only time when he would hunt in the light is when if pickle was involved.

M/n gave a growl in disgust making pickle turn to face them. They stared at each other for a second before being broken by m/n stomach growling making m/n look embarrassed while pickle laughed.

M/n didn't like the fact the pickle was as mocking him so he jumped on him and they began to play fight.

With m/n nipping pickle while pickle grabbed his leg and pulled him away. M/n had an annoyed pout on his face while pickle had a smug smirk.

Pickle let go of m/n and that's when m/n leaned on pickles shoulder staring down at the city full of light. Both of them wanting food well mainly m/n.


Pickle finished taking some hot-shots clothes and emerging out of the trash the guy was pissing on.

M/n jumped out to looking disgusted as the place stunk of pee and trash. Other than pickle m/n had on the normal thing they had on before... the cloth covering their private parts.

Pickle made an excited growl as he stared at out of the alleyway while m/n was blinded by the sudden light.

M/n squinted their eyes and looked at the scene In front of him, he wouldn't say he was impressed because it would've hurt his pride.

Pickle started walking out of the alley with
M/n trailing behind him holding onto his clothes like a child not wanting to get lost.

Both of them got weird stares especially m/n for not having any clothes on except for a cloth.

They didn't know the place around them, none of the people would looking their directions at all.

Pickle started to walk with his hands in the pockets of the jacket while m/n followed closely. At sometime m/n would growl at the people walking to close or looking at them in a way that he didn't like.

They started to walk across a street which they thought it was fine. M/n stopped and turned around wondering why the people have stopped all of a sudden.

M/n then heard a loud beeping noise and a thump. They quickly turned around to see pickle on the ground and a truck with a dent in it.

Of course m/n didn't see the truck as a truck, he saw it as a monster that hurt their friend.

Before m/n did anything, pickle got up and started to destroy the truck and m/n helping after a couple of seconds. Shocking the people around them as they torn the vehicle apart.

Luckily for them the truck was full of meat so of course m/n was happy they got something to eat while the people were staring at them in shock.

"There were two?!"  **Pickle x male reader**Where stories live. Discover now