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Who is she?

Shaw's pov

I looked at the girl up and down. She raised her eyebrow, I thought she would feel scared or tremble back or at least try to run away. But, she didn't even show any expression, she looked unafraid and unbothered. I was shocked cause everyone feared me but she seemed different from others. "Hmm... I like her attitude... she is brave" I mumbled.

Olivia's pov

I felt the situation getting tense. I liked it tho.

I decided to ignore the others and pass by them. And as I was gonna take my step forward, all the men stood in front of me like barriers. I smirked knowing, they were messing with the wrong person.

"Hey, lady! What are you doing, huh?" A man among the others said, I looked at him but couldn't see his face cause it was covered with a mask. "minding my own business." I said coldly and tried walking passed them but they again blocked me. "huh you think we would let you pass after what you witnessed? Never!" Another man said, actually he nearly shouted at my face. "step back." the man leaning against the wall said as all the men stepped aside making me look at him. And again we made eye contact. Argh this is so annoying! I rolled my eyes at them as I passed him. "what's your name princess?" The man leaning against the wall asked me. I stopped and turned to him and said "It's none of your business." And walked away.

Shaw's pov
I smirked when she looked at me. She was looking so fine but her attitude... my! She is something. I internally smirked.
"We will surely meet again, princess."

Time skip- the day after tomorrow

Olivia's pov
It's been around 2 days since that incident, and my life has still been the same.*sigh*
It's 9.30 am right now and I am at my university. Almost all my work at the library was done so I decided to have a walk outside. While I was walking I kept my head down looking at my feet when suddenly I bumped into a muscular chest. I looked up innocently (which I surely wasn't:)). I found a young man standing in front of me with a straight face and some bodyguards around him. I quickly stepped back bowed as an apology and walked away. But a stern voice stopped me I turned to find that man was looking at me with a smirk. "Yes?" I asked him with one eyebrow raised. "Miss, may I know where you are going?" That man asked me politely but there was a hint of a
Coldness in his voice. "I was going on a walk. But why do you ask?" I said politely. "Aren't you supposed to be attending your lectures?" The man asked while tilting his head, confused. "No I am not a student here, but who are you? And do I know you??" I asked being frustrated and irritated but trying to stay calm. "Oh sorry, by the way... my name is Mathen... Mathen Shaw." the man said while giving me a sweet smile which I gladly returned. He then added, "My sister Leona Shaw studies at your University so I thought if you knew where she would be."
"Oh okay, but I have heard that Leona doesn't attend any classes. She just disappears when the lecture starts." When I said this, I noticed Mathen's face turning from sweet and polite to cold and angry which made me shake. "Oh um... thanks for telling me. But I still don't know your name." Mathen said with a small smile. "oh um, it's Olivia... " I said with a soft chuckle because I wasn't expecting that. "And your surname..?" Mathen asked while raising his eyebrow. " I don't have one," I said casually. Before Matthew could say something I got a call. The caller ID said that it was from the librarian, I thought it must be important so I bid Mathen bye and left.

Time skip
Olivia's pov
It was 9 pm already but I was still in the library, lost in the arrangement of the books that I didn't realize the time. I anyways didn't have anyone waiting for me back at my home so I was used to reaching home late.

Little did Olivia know that someone was waiting eagerly for her.

After few months

Mathen's pov

I was at my office working on some files when suddenly my office door busted open. I looked at the door to find my sister Leona standing there. "Hey, sis come sit," I said with my half focus on the files. Leona came and sat in front of me. I noticed she was fidgeting with her fingers. I guessed that she was nervous and wanted to say something. "Umm... So, the thing is... Matthew proposed to me" she said directly as I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. "So?" I asked. "And I said yes..." She said, I sighed and said " And you want me to meet him" I said as she nodded her head and again looked at me.

"Fine, I will meet him."

I said and watched Leona squill in excitement. "I will tell Matthew the right way," she said and hugged me tightly as I struggled to push her. "Thank you, brother! You are the best!" She said and ran out as I shook my head in disgust.

Time skip
Olivia's POV:

It was 5 pm, I was sitting on the couch going through my phone when the door burst open with Matthew walking in with a big smile plastered on his face. He straight away came and sat beside me while clinging to my right arm as I frowned. "What now?" I asked, "It's Leona." He said as he rubbed his hair on my shoulder. "What about her?" I asked again while rolling my eyes. "I proposed to her... And she said yes." He said and quickly hid his red face while I  wiggled my eyebrows. "But there is a problem." He said, I stopped and looked at him with a 'now what?' type of face. He understood and said, "Her brother wants to meet me." I sighed in relief, "That's good that at least he is giving you a chance." I assured him. "He also said to bring my family..." He took that suspicious pause as I eyed him while moving back, trying to read his mind. "And??" I questioned. He then looked at me with those puppy eyes and a pout. I quickly shook my head as no. "No, no no no" I said as I got up and walked towards the kitchen. "Oh come on. Please... Please please please..." He said while joining his hands. I sighed, "ok fine," I said

"I will meet him."

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