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Mathen's pov

Both of us said in unison until Olivia chuckled. "Umm, you guys know each other?" Leona asked. Olivia nodded, "small world huh" she said. "That's good to know, can we talk frankly now?" Leona asked as she grabbed the man's arm and pulled him in front of me. "Hello sir, I am Matthew. Leona's boyfriend." He introduced himself as he forwarded his hand and I gladly Shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you, have a seat," I said while pointing at the couch as everyone nodded and sat. I was sitting in the middle with Leona beside me and in front were Olivia and Matthew. "So, you proposed to Leona.." I tried to start the conversation. "Yes sir," Matthew said confidently as Leona blushed. "You can stop calling me sir, but brother-in-law instead," I said with a sweet smile on my face. Everyone looked at me and quickly flashed bright smiles with Olivia giving out a simple one.

"Umm, Mathen...?" Olivia asked nervously as I hummed, signalling that I was listening. "Yes?" I replied, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "Are you sure it's just you two?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly. "You guys don't have another brother... right?"

I could sense Leona looking at me, but I ignored her. The question caught me off guard, and I wondered why Olivia was asking. Was there something she knew that we didn't? "Why do you ask?" I questioned her back, trying to sound casual.

"Oh, no, it's just that I met a guy who looks exactly like you two," she said while chuckling and shaking her head.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Olivia's question had made me worry, what if she met him?  Or it could just be a case of mistaken identity. 'It wasn't uncommon for people to mistake twins for each other, and it seemed like Olivia had met someone who looked like us.' that's what Leona thought trying to convince herself, I could tell.

"Ah, I see," I said, smiling at Olivia. "Well, we don't have another brother. It's just the two of us." I lied. Olivia nodded, looking relieved. "That's good to know. I was starting to think I was going crazy or something," she joked, and we all laughed.I could feel Leona's eyes on me still, and I knew that she was anxious about Olivia's question too. 

"Oh really??"

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