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Aerolina's pov

My day was going well and it was almost 9.p.m. and it was time to close the shop.

I cleaned the kitchen platform and grabbed the garbage from the dustbin and went out.

There's a big dustbin near our shop and everyone usually  throw there garbage there so I went there and Throw the garbage.

As I was going back to shop I felt that someone is staring me. I just shook off my mind and went toward my shop.

I was just setting everything  fir the nest day as the bell of the shop rang that's means 'customer' .

''Sorry but it's time to close the shop''

I said as still make back was facing the customer.

I just turned around to see the person.

There was a man, tall almost 6' ,black glassy eyes. He was having a broad shoulder and was wearing a navy blue colour shirt with cream colour pant, 2 bottoms of his shirt was open.
His hair were little messy and his head was little stretched as if he is frustrated.

Frustrated, maybe that's why he was staring at me with those eyes of him.

''Sir are you there''
I asked him.

He was not replying anything so I just got out of NY place and walked towards him and gently tap on his shoulder.
''Sir sir''

''Oh sorry--''

'' shop is about to close sir''

''Sorry but can you make one cup of coffee I am really stressed please''

He said in a pleading way and I just couldn't deny it

''Okay but only this time''
I said with a smile.

He sat in the table which was near to the counter.
''What kind of coffee you Want sir''

I asked him because everyone has there own taste for coffee. I mean coffee can solve all your problem.

''Make normal coffee just make it strong''


I started making the coffee ,  I put coffee in the machine and coffee started coming out and after 6 to 7 min coffee was ready.

I took the coffee in the tray and went toward him.
''Your coffee sir''

''Thank you and don't call me sir''

'' I don't know your name sir''

''I am zaiden Carlsen and I am very famous detective''


I honestly like to stay away from police and detective and all it just scares me. I body tensed.
''Hey I am will arrest you I just came here for the coffee''

I forced a smile.

''By the way your name?''

He asks and his eyebrows went in a line and he is taking sip of his coffee.
''Aerolina Cassano''
I say.

''Good name''

''Aeroooo let's go home, I am ready!''

A voice came from the Door and I looked up there and Jeremy is standing there with a smile.
''Oh yeah I am ready , let's just sir--''


He says out of sudden and I realizes that I said sir that's why he corrected me.

''Zaiden sir can you please hurry up we have to go it's late''

Jeremy says and comes toward me. I pass him a smile.
''Yeah almost done''


His coffee is done and he pay for it and get up from his table and goes toward the door.

''Thank you ,please come again''

I says as he is out customer and they are like a God to us. I give him a warm smile and bid him goodbye.

He looks toward me and smile.
''Thank you for the coffee.''

''It's fine''

He got out of the shop. Soon he was not visible  from the window too as he really went far I guess.

''Was he good''

Jeremy asked as I was looking on his direction. I glare at him and take my things.
He just giggle a little and we went out . He locked the door and he took the keys with him  as tomorrow is Sunday and we will be having holiday.

Tomorrow  is Rachel's boyfriend's birthday so they have invited me so unlucky  me I have to go.
I don't like to go out I like to stay at home read books watch dramas I just don't like to socialise much with people.

I go toward my car and Jeremy follows me. I go inside his car and I go inside  my car.

We bid goodbye to each other.

I drive towards my condo. I reach there and go toward the elevator .

I goes inside my house and directly goes inside my room I didn't even see Rachel.
She was not even there,maybe she is with her bf. Most of the time or nights I say she stay with her bf and I don't have any problem it's good that they both take care of each other and stay together.

I got inside the washroom and took a shower. After almost half an hour I got out of the shower and changed into my night clothes.
I go to kitchen and and see if there is any food or not and guess what there was not food.
I took out the cup noodles and made some for me. I put hot water in them and put it atleast for 10min.

I take out my phone and there was message from  Rachel. She message me that she will not be able to come home today.
My cup noodles were ready and I grab it and come to my room I also check all the windows and door whether it's close or not.

I started eating my noodles and scrolling through my phone.

I finish My food and go to sleep because that's what is good in life.


I was thinking about that man  he was creepy I guess the way he was looking at me it just made me think that he will it me out .


So that's all for today guys I know its a short chapter but it's just i was little busy. I will try to update by Monday.



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