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Aerolina pov

Socializing with people is not my thing. It just never was. I always used to stay with my brothers and now with Rachel.

So I can say that I never just got the time to socialise myself with others.

Today is George birthday and he has invited me to go there. In short I had no other  option, and I am here.

He is Rachel's boyfriend. He is a good man and take care of her.

Today is his birthday and theme colour of his birthday party is red.
He want everyone to wear red and he himself along with Rachel is wearing black.

I am earing a red colour frock, with very light makeup.

Its just half an hour and guess what I am already bored. I am sitting near the bar side and having my juice I am not into drinking alcohol and all ,it's not like that I don't drink its just I need occasion to drink.

People here are dancing, singing,screaming, and all


Not my thing.

I just want to go home.i am kinda getting bored so I just message my brother,  it's really been a long time we have talked.

I messaged him and now I don't know when he will get time to reply back.

I was typing when Rachel shouts,

'Hey aero, come meet Zaiden. He is George's friend'

So I just walk toward the Rachel as she was sitting near George.
I saw a man in red suit was wishing George it seems like they are bestfriends.

Then he turns,

Not again,that police!!

'Hii aerolina' he says, honestly I didn't even remember his name.

'Hello zaiden, nice to meet you again' I say and give him a little smile.

' I think God want us to meet again and again' he states and smiles. He looks good when he smile.

Why the hell I am thinking like this about him.
No doubt he is handsome but I am also here for a reason not just for time pass.

'Maybe , I don't believe in God and all' I say and my smile little faded and everything about my past start coming up.
' maybe because I am not devotee type or something like that' I states again because I don't want him to have any misconception about me.

'You know I also never believed in God' he comes near me,
And more near,

'Not until I saw you' he says near my ears and it send shiver down my spine. He is making me feel like this.


'Wh-what' I stumbles on my own words.
He straighten up himself.

'I need to go home ' I confess, its really been so boring here.

' I can drop you and ots really night so it won't be safe for you to go alone' zaiden says and again started coming near to me.

'I think he is right aero you should go with him, and I can also see the way he is treating you so' Rachel's statement made me little confused.

He is giving me good treatment, wtf we have met only twice.
But guess what she don't know this. Zaiden started walking toward the gate and opens it and did hand gesture as if he is saying me to come.

I look toward Rachel and she smirk.

Actual fuck.

I wander toward the gate as he was already standing there I goes out along with him.



Zaiden's pov

I don't want her to go alone that too at night so I asked her that if I can drop her and Rachel said her to go with me.

Aerolina is walking slowly and is at little distance from me.

Don't she like me?

Maybe, we have made only twice and she don't even know me maybe it's new for her.

We goes toward my car. And opens the passenger seat for her. She looks at me then she get inside.
I also make my way toward driver seat and seats there.

I notice that she is playing with the hem of her frock. I get myself toward her to put sit belt.  She looks up immediately and by that our face is just some inches aways from each other's.

Tension started building between us as I back off. I just don't  her to be uncomfortable cause that won't work out.


Time passes and by half an hour we reach her home.
I don't know whether it's a home or just a house for her.

She take off her belt. I open door as I got out of car. I give her my hand.

Again no...

She looks at me and i swear if she keep on looking at me like that ots gonna be the end of me.

'It's fine' she says her voice is low as usual. I sometimes think doesn't she talk or does she have some problem. I have rarely heard her saying anything.

' Okay I don't want you to he uncomfortable Aerolina' I give her a warm smile. And she return with the same.

She gets out of the car and we started walking toward her flat.
We reach the elevator. We get inside of it and she press the button of second floor.
We are slow to each other just staying little a far.

I just don't want to look at her and also she is not looking at me. I just want to remove this awkwardness

'So how's your academy is going on' I asked and guess what it was the worst question I could ever ask.
' I am graduated' she exclaims.

Fuck why does this shit happen to me that to when i am with her.
'Oh you look so young, it made me thought that you are still in college ' I look at her just to see she is already looking at me.

'Where does your family stay I mean do you stay with your family?' I asked.

'My brother stays in Italy, and my parents died long time back' her head lows.

It's was the again worst question .
Now I am facing her i just grav her chin and make her look at me.
'It's fine rose I also don't have parents' I assure her

Rose?did I just now gave her nickname?

'Sorry I made you think about those thing it was a stupid question just forget it' I  again says to her.

This time she smiles a little.

'Okay thank you zaiden'

That's all I got. But I am happy as far as I am with her all good..



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Your author,

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