New Beginnings

49 1 16

                          ~3rd POV.~

It was another day in (city name), and people were out and about on their daily lives. People were left and right, cars for miles, and every shop and office was open.

Now, this story isn't about any of these people, but one certain person whose life will drastically change soon...

Their name is (Y/N), and They is currently asleep. They aren't the person for mornings, but they should be waking up right about...

As the narrator speaks, (Y/N) starts to get up Well, anyway, they have recently moved out from their parents and is now here, in an apartment, for a very good price. Which is 500$ a month, but who knows.

Anyway, let's see what they're going to get up to today...

                    ~(Y/N)'s POV~

After what felt like an hour, I finally proceeded to get up and actually do something. It starts with the usual stuff: breakfast, getting dressed, dental care, and watching YouTube for an hour before bed. But recently, I have been finding nothing at all, which sucks, but I can live for a few more days

After my morning routine, I head out and towards work. It's just your average desk job, but money is money, so I ain't arguing. But my boss sucks which is the only downside.

And I'm late as well, so I'm going to be scolded by him for the third time this week. Great...

I enter the building and try not to be spotted by him, though it's useless as always as he installed cameras everywhere, and I mean everywhere. There's a reason a stall in the bathroom isn't used.

But as my desk is on sight, I hear a familiar voice

???: Well well well...

And there he is

Boss: And where might you have been?

(Y/N): Well, sir... I... slept in again. You know how tough mornings are, don't you?

Boss: Yes... very tough... like how tough it is that there is another pay cut off your salary?

(Y/N): Well-

Boss: Get to work

I sigh and head off. I couldn't convince him even if the whole company was there, so there's no point arguing with someone who has a walnut for a brain.

I sit down at my desk and start filling reports, mostly products that are declined by the boss because they "won't be the new craze," which I find stupid.

But there's nothing special about this, no one to talk to, nothing interesting that ever happens and I'm always bored there. And I'm stuck there for six hours, which is horrible, and it isn't a good pay, but it's the only thing available, so I had to take it while it was there.

But luckily today I managed to get off an hour early as there is apparently an entire big thing about "technology of the future" crap which could find nothing about.

Well, it's a while away, and I have time to burn, so I might as well just get this done and dusted with

                      ~5 hours later~

As soon as I hear my timer go off, I immediately rush out of the office and to the park where the entire thing is being held.

I had to stop outside Pepino's Pizza for a bit as my friend and I both decided to meet up and head over together.

And as I'm thinking about it, here they arrive

(F/N): Hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey (F/N)!

Bandana Waddle Dee x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن