A Normal Day?

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It was another sunny day in Dreamland. Waddle dees were up and about, Chef Kawasaki's café was busy and the castle was at peace.

At this time, there was a rush of waddle dees making a huge feast. Why you may ask? Is it a party? A feast? An important guest? Nope, it was for King DeDeDe. The lazy King who people hate. No one wants him to be the king but no one can take the job so he's always the king.

Now, while they were making his 'light' snack, two people were watching over them

???: So anyway how has the Halberd and its crew been for you?

???: Better, still a huge mess and lots more work to do though we are getting there

These two are Meta Knight and Bandana Dee

Bandana Dee: Let me guess, Sailor Dee has gotten better with flying the ship?

Meta Knight: Well... that's half the case. The security crew have actually decided to practise for once *mutters* after I locked them in the training room for a day

Bandana Dee: Not going to ask what you just said- say have you noticed that Chef Kawasaki's food is starting to get better?

Meta Knight: It is? Well I have to try

Bandana Dee: Want to-

Meta Knight: I'll go on my own thank you

Bandana Dee: *mutters* Like always...

They stand there for a moment before an explosion happens and a burnt waddle dee goes flying above them. They both sigh out of annoyance

Meta Knight: I'll go deal with it this time... tell King DeDeDe and Escargoon that we need another oven... again...

Bandana Dee: Alright then, guess I'll go for a walk out through the garden

Meta Knight: Do you always go in there don't you?

Bandana Dee: Even if it's small it's nice in my eyes!

Meta Knight: I didn't even say a bad thing about it

Bandana Dee: You were going to though!

Meta Knight shrugs it off and goes into tye kitchen where waddle dees are scattered in cupboards out of fear and where some are running around on fire

Bandana Dee walks off to the garden, quite annoyed at Meta Knight for no reason. They weren't having a good morning to say the least.

As they walked into the garden, the felt a wave of calmness. Like it was a free day. They loved the garden, the one place where it was just them and their thoughts, and no one else to bother them

It was home without being home, a place where it was just them and their thoughts with no one to-

???: HELP!

But today, was very different

They jumped, and were now confused. 'Who knew I was here?' 'Why were they here?'.

After a second Tiff and Tuff appear through one of the entrances infront of them, and are immediately happy when they see them

Tuff: Oh thank Nova we found you!

Tiff: We need you to come with us now!

Bandana Dee: Can you first tell me what happened?

Tiff: Well, there was-

Tuff: There was a big object that was-

Tuff gets slapped in the head by Tiff


Tiff: *Pouting* That was for stopping me telling them what happened

Tuff: But it's my turn!

Tiff: NUH UH

Bandana Dee sighs as the two siblings keep arguing with eachother

Bandana Dee: QUIET!

Tiff and Tuff both stand still and point at eachother

Bandana Dee: Tiff, can you tell me what happened?

Tiff smirks at Tuff as he stares in disbelief before looking back at Bandana Dee

Tiff: Well, we were at the woods picking apples and-

Tuff: She forced me to

Tiff: Shut it Tuff... anyway, while we were there we saw this big object in the sky fall somewhere in the forest

Bandana Dee nodded and thought for a second. 'What could that object be?' 'Where did it come from?' 'Is it friendly?'

Bandana Dee: Well, we will have to find out what it is, so we are going to have to scout it out

Tiff: Is Kirby coming???

Bandana Dee: No, sadly. He ate everything at Kawasaki's café and has to work there because of it. I'm surprised this is the first time but whatever

Tiff: Well then Tuff can show you

Tuff: What! You come as well!

Bandana Dee: You know what? I'll just go on my own as you two can't seem to help me in anyway. Point I'm the direction the 'object' is in and I'll be on my way. Then you can go tell Meta Knight and his gang

Tiff and Tuff point down into the forest at the other side where Whispy Woods lied

Bandana Dee went off into the forest as Tiff and Tuff ran off to do as they were told. But whatever it was, they weren't going to let anything happen

No matter what

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