New Surroundings

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Y/N wakes up from who knows long. They slowly sit up and look around, seeing they are now in the middle of this pod or spaceship or whatever that 'Hutchie' guy named it. Everything was flashing red and at an angle

Y/N: Ugghh... ack! My head...

Y/N clutches they're head and stands up, trying to remember what happened.

Y/N: What happened... the convention... the 'big reveal'... that pod...  Hutchie launching me to space...

Y/N trys wrap their head around the situation, but to no avail. They barely remember anything, other than how much of an asshole that 'Hutchie was

Y/N: Okay... calm down Y/N... they have to have some idea of what they were doing... right?

Y/N starts looking around. The entire ship is a mess. There are tools everywhere, parts of the ship gone, and a shelf that is basically a jigsaw puzzle.

Y/N now starts to panic. They seem to be helpless, everything is destroyed, everything is in pain, are they even dead?

Y/N: No, I can't be dead... how could I be walking around and doing all this-

Something catches their attention at the side if their vision. A lump in the corner of the room.

Y/N: No... it can't be... right???

They rush over in panic, tripping over everything going over to it. They get to it and start removing rubble and debris. After about five minutes of it, they get the last big piece off and see that it's... it's...

Y/N: A duffle bag?

They stare at it a second, not sure how to react, before giving a sigh of relief. They aren't dead.

Y/N: Wow, I didn't think I would be saying that, but here I am.

After checking around the pod a bit more, they find that there has apparently been a malfunction, simply stating, "Off course, please return to original course".

Y/N, not sure how to react, decides to check outside to see what it means. The first thing they saw was a forest. They were in the middle of a forest. Does that mean they're still on earth? Are they still a part of society?

Y/N is now just hoping that this earth, and not some planet that looks like it. Is that possible? Y/N isn't hoping so. They decide to explore, seeing that there is nothing else much they can do.

Most things look normal, lots of fruit like apples, a lot of apples. There is a lot of greenery with many different species from what Y/N can see. There are still giant animals...

Y/N: Wait, giant animals?

Y/N turns around and sees a big purple owl sitting in a tree, staring at them.

Y/N: Uhh... hi?

The owl slightly tilts its head, determining what its next move should be. Y/N does the same, trying to figure out what it can even do.

A footstep is suddenly heard, as Y/N looks at where it came from. The bird quickly flies off, and Y/N hides behind a bush.

Y/N expected to see some horrifying creature, maybe an alien with a dangerous weapon, or even another bigger animal.

But he saw a blob. A small, brown blob.

Y/N was not taking this well, not at all. It feels like they were about to faint, but they kept themself from doing so.

They examined it more, seeing it's weird blue headband, maybe bandana, and a small spear it held in it's hand. Talking about hands, its hand was just an even smaller blob. This is the same with its feet, though the feet were flatter. It had eyes, but no nose nor mouth. So that meant it was incapable of speech?

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