Friends and foes

15 1 1

It had been an hour since they had started to walk towards the castle. And seeing as the forest always looks the same, Y/N was bored

Y/N: Ughhh, I'm borrreeeddd... how long till' we get there?

Bandana Dee: Calm down, it's only been an hour. We'll be there soon

Y/N: That's what you said the last nine times!

Bandana Dee: Well I'm not lying this time, we are almost there.

Y/N: Really? And you expect me to believe you again?!

Bandana Dee: Do you believe this?

They push a bush to the side, showing a huge castle overlooking a town that looked too modern for the castle. Now, Y/N was in awe and Bandana Dee nodded, taking in the scene, yet again

Bandana Dee: Yep, this is the best spot to see the place from. Others might say otherwise, but this is-

Y/N: This is absolutely stunning...

Bandana Dee looked back, a but surprised at the answer, but immediately wanted to use this moment while they had it

Bandana Dee: Well... what did I say? I told you this is the absolutely perfect, brilliant, superb, amazing spot That's a thousand times better than the rest!

Bandana Dee looked as if they got a world record. Y/N looked at them a but confusing and unsure, but they decided to take their word for it. After all, they were the one person so for who has and probably will won't kill them so they believed it

Y/N: Well... if you say so.

Y/N thought for another second before esmething popped into their mind.

Y/N: So... are we... heading to the castle...?

Bandana Dee immediately snaps out of their trance

Bandana Dee: Oh! I- y-yeah, we should do that

Bandana Dee looked insanely embarrassed and Y/N chuckled at it, which they noticed

Bandana Dee: Hey! I told you already don't laugh at me!

Y/N: I-I'm sorry, it's hard watching things that could be plushies being embarrassing as hell

Bandana Dee went to say something but realised they couldn't, so they instead tried to change the conversation around


Bandana Dee sprinted off leaving Y/N there. Y/N looked down to see his little companion gone and running off. In a panicked state they ran after them.



Y/N not even sure what that meant, still caught up to Bandana Dee. After they got to the castle

Bandana Dee: Well, here we are!

Y/N: Can... *breath* you... *breatg* wait a second...

Bandana Dee: You're already out of breath? I really need to train you

Y/N: Train... me?

Bandana Dee: Well yeah! If you're going to live here for a while, you need to be ready for literally anything!

Y/N: Like...

Bandana Dee: Like giant meatballs!

Y/N: I'm sorry what-


Bandana Dee and Y/N are walking through the castle, with Y/N being in awe about the place. There's huge pillars, statues everywhere you look, and too many rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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