Chapter 25: A sunny world after the gloomy rain

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A familiar shout came from outside the room. The nong stopped editing the foreword and turned off his computer screen. The preface was quite complete, but he planned to go back and check it carefully later in case there were typos or areas to be revised.

He rubbed his eyes as he walked toward the door. Since receiving corneal transplant surgery, his vision has become brighter again, but he occasionally experiences fatigue and blurred vision due to long-term discomfort. He guessed it would take him quite a while to get used to it.

"What's wrong, Phi?" He opened the door and saw his lover standing there.

"Come on, Day. Everyone is ready, only you left."

Mhok took Day's hand and pulled him downstairs with him.

Day couldn't help but laugh. "I am able to see now. You don't have to lead me anymore."

"I'm not holding your hand as a caregiver, but as your boyfriend." Mhok smiled and took Day to the small garden at home.

A large tablecloth was spread on the table and Day's mother was preparing the meal. Night was holding a bottle of water and a bottle of drink. With him, Porjai and his little son named Phumjai.

"Day, come and try our restaurant's new monthly menu. Every month I offer a new recommended dish at the restaurant. This time it is pasta with seafood sauce." Mhok said proudly, handing Day a plate immediately after sitting down.

"Show off." Day said with a smile.

"Mom, do you want to taste?"

Mhok handed the prepared dishes, one by one. When it was Day's mother's turn, Mhok seemed a little nervous, since she was a famous top chef in the country. Day's mother nodded, then took the plate and tasted it as Mhok looked at her nervously.

"The flavor is very good, Mhok, and it's quite original. I think you should tell the store manager to raise the price a bit. I think it will sell out and Thai people will like it." Day's mother said smilingly.

Mhok was so happy that he could not help but hug Day, who laughed heartily. To him, the sky after the rain was extraordinarily beautiful.

"Don't go too far, Phi." Night humorously dissuaded him.

Porjai turned his head and lightly tapped Night on the shoulder. Day immediately noticed that action and frowned involuntarily.

"What's going on between you two?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at his brother curiously, his eyes flicking back and forth between Night and Porjai, looking a little confused. Night hesitated, turned to Porjai sitting next to him and, only after he got a nod of confirmation, he decided to speak the truth.

"Porjai and I are dating." Night said.

"Holy shit, is that true?" The nong cried out in surprise.

Mhok's eyes widened. Instead, Night's mother didn't seem to have any particular reaction. It seemed like Night had already told her the whole story. Day felt like he was about to lose his position as the most favored son to his brother.

"Why do you say that just now? When did your relationship begin?" Day asked confused.

"It has only been two or three months. We didn't hide anything intentionally, but after all we are still young and don't want to embarrass others with a casual affair, so we decided to confirm the relationship before going public." Night replied.

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