S.1 ep.1-4

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Liam's house was filled with yells. All Jasmine and I could hear is the Frank's yelling at each other. Jass and I waited by there fence for Liam, who came out with his head low.

"What's going on in there?" Jass asks as we walk down to Josie's.

"My parents are fighting over the custody again."

I sigh and wrap my arm around his shoulder. His parents divorced about five years ago and they constantly fight for custody of Liam and Gwen. I was one who he confided in the most out of the whole group since i also had problems with my parents.

We all start walking to Josie's diner. The best diner in town and our favorite hangout spot. As we walked in, the bring neon lights and multiple clocks showing the different times in different countries catch my eye. I look around and see Clyde in one furthest booth, drinking a root beer and on his phone. We sit at the booth, Liam and me on one side and Jasmine and Clyde on the other.

"There you guys are. Took you long enough." Clyde complains putting away his phone.

"Had to comfort my mom. She's been worried ever since DJ left." Jasmine says as she takes her menu.

"Yea my dad is pissed that my mom let Gwen go. Hes playing the worried father." Liam says as he takes off his cap.

I smile and shake my head. "I don't think my dad has noticed Duncan is gone. He tries to stop me from seeing him off."

Clyde looks up and shrugs his shoulders. "Not surprised. Your dad never really notices Duncan unless the law is after him. Have you guys watched the first few episodes yet?"

Jasmine sighs and leans back. "No i keep meaning to but i can't sit down for a single minute to watch it."

"Well apparently there are only two people who don't go to the Highschool."

Liam looks up. "Who's that?"

"Some homeschooled kid named Ezekiel."

"The one whose family lives on that farm? Whose parents loader around town?" I ask grabbing one of his fries.

"Yea i guess. Then there's a suffer chick named Bridgette."

"She must go to that high school down by the shore then." Liam says as he sips his milkshake.

I remember the day Chris and his producers came around to town. They went to every house that had a teenager. I remember when he pulled up to my own house. He sat down with my father and step mother in the living room, talking about the terms and conditions of the show. I then remembered my father signing off on Duncan's behalf. I thought he would be pissed but i guess anything would be better then spending another summer in juvie.

"Yo did you see? Heather Kasuga is on the show." Liam piped up.

"Oh there ratings are gonna sky rocket with her." Jasmine said as we ate her burger.

"And i bet her siblings are eating up all this attention up right now." Clyde says.

I nod along. Her younger siblings have been going to school with us for years. They both have been bullying our grade, including us. Yet no one dares to report them because there parents would ruin our lives.

"Well enough of the show. Let's make a toast..." I raise my milkshake and everyone else follows "...let this be a summer that we don't forget. Whether that be with or without this stupid show." I say as i clink my glass with everyone else.

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