Part 3, Chapter 5 (Kylee's First Kiss)

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Two months later, at the park. Sarah, D.J., Delilah, Kylee and Jonathon are there, playing with their friends. M3GAN is there, watching them. Teenage boy is with Delilah and Kylee. There are two other boys behind him.

Delilah: Leave us alone David.

David: Why? I just want to have a talk.

Kylee: Get off us, you jerk!

M3GAN heard them and looked at them.

David: Boys, grab them.

They walked to the girls and held their arms behind them. He walked towards Kylee.

Kylee: Let us go, David.

David: I can't.

Kylee: Come on Kylee. I know you want to kiss me.

Delilah: Don't!

David: Shut up Delilah! Come on Kylee. I know you have a crush on me.

Kylee: I don't.

Kylee hesitated.

David: Kylee. I love you. You changed me. I wanted to change for the better. You inspired me.

She blushed.

David: You're blushing.

Kylee: No. Stop. Stop it.

David grabbed her chin and leaned in to kiss her. He kissed her.

Delilah: Ew.

Delilah looked away. After a while. Kylee liked it and kissed back. The boy who was holding her arms, let go and stepped away. Kylee grabbed his neck. They kissed passionately. Sarah walked over with her friends.

Sarah: Oh my god. Kylee is kissing David.

Sarah and her friends took pictures of Kylee and David kissing. After a while. Kylee and David pulled away.

Kylee: Wow. You're a good kisser.

David: So are you.

Sarah: You've been bullying my sister since kindergarten. Now you like her?

David: I had a crush on her for a long time.

Kylee: Then, why were you bullying me?

David: I've been going through trauma.

Sarah: I know how it feels.

David: Do you? You've grown u with an amazing family.

Sarah: I was adopted.

David: What?

Sarah: I've been suffering, along with my family ever since birth. My parents were awful people. I don't know what they are doing right now. It was me, my older sister and my baby sister. I have no idea what they are now.

David: That's awful. I'm so sorry.

Sarah: It's OK. I met some great friends and an amazing boy. Can I trust you with my sister? Will you treat her well and not break her heart?

David: I'll try my best. I have had a crush on her for a long time now.

Sarah: OK.

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