Part 4, Chapter 8 (Saving Sarah's Family)(Part 1)

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An hour later. Sarah and the kids came home. They are surprised at how clean the house is. they looked everywhere.

Kylee: The house is spotless.

Delilah: Did M3GAN do this?

Sarah: Apparently so. Mom and Dad were too busy resting.

Derek Jake: Three hours of cleaning. And it was worth it.

Sarah: I gotta say, I'm impressed.

Delilah: We are, too.

Sarah: OK. Put your stuff away, take a shower and hang up your wet stuff. OK?

Kids: OK.

They all went upstairs. They all took a shower and got dressed. They went downstairs and hung up their wet stuff. Sarah started making dinner. After two hours. Dinner is ready. They all ate and went to the bathroom. They brushed their teeth and went to bed. The next day. Sarah made breakfast. The kids came downstairs and ate breakfast. That afternoon. They all are having Lunch. There's knocking on the door. Sarah got the door. It's a man.

Sarah: Who are you and why are you here?

Man: Come with me.

Sarah: No.

Man: Come with me and you'll see your parents.

She looked around. She grabbed her purse and went outside. She closed the door and locked it.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Man: Are you Sarah Carmen?

Sarah: Yes.

Man: I know where your parents live. Come with me if you want to see them.

Sarah: Are you sure. Are you trustworthy?

He took off his hoodie and his sunglasses.

Man: My name is Anthony. Can you please come with me?

Sarah: OK.

They both left. At an abandoned shack in the forest.

Sarah: Where are you taking me?

Anthony: You'll see.

They went inside the shack. There is a married couple and two girls. They look clean, fancy and rich.

Sarah: Who are you guys?

Kara: Hello. I'm Kara Carmen and this is my Husband Dixon Carmen. These are our two daughters, Kimberly and Daisy. Who are you?

Sarah is shocked.

Sarah: I'm Sarah Samantha Carmen. Mom, dad, Kimberly, Daisy?

They are all surprised. They stood up and hugged her.

Dixon: We missed you so much.

Sarah: I missed you guys too.

Kara: They took you and your sisters, and separated you all into three different families. We were in prison for 2 years and got bailed out.

They all pulled away.

Sarah: How did Kimberly and Daisy find you?

Dixon: Kimberly is a model and Daisy is an actress. We actually found them.

Sarah: What?

Kimberly: It's true. When they found us, our adoptive parents let us go.

Sarah: That's cool.

Kimberly: I'm now married. I have a son.

Sarah: That's awesome. I have a Boyfriend and three best Friends.

Kimberly: That's awesome.

Daisy: I have a Boyfriend too.

Sarah: That's awesome, Daisy.

Daisy smiled enthusiastically.

The sisters hugged each other.

Sarah: I want you guys to see my family. I've got four siblings and a pregnant mom with twins.

Girls: What!?

Sarah: Yeah.

Kara: It's awesome that you have a great family.

Sarah: I do. I am so happy to see you guys. Who bailed you two out?

Kara: Anthony.

Sarah: What did you do after you got bailed out?

Dixon: We started a new life. We both got a job. I was an accountant and she was a Lawyer. Now we own a successful company. Carmen Operations.

Sarah: Awesome. Why are you guys here?

Kara: Anthony brought us here.

Kimberly: There are people out there that want us.

Daisy: We think they are after our Family Heirloom.

Sarah: Why?

Kara: It holds a strong and powerful Energy that can only be stabilized by you three, only. Whoever gets it, gets unlimited power, and can't withstand it.

Sarah: What does it look like, what does it do, and who created it?

Dixon: Your mom's great grandfather and grandmother created it. It's a Crystal Ball.

Kara grabbed something from her bag and got it out. It's a Crystal ball. It's Lavender, Bright Green and Magenta.

Sarah: Wow.

Kara: This holds your powers.

Sarah: Powers? We have powers?

Kara: Yes. You all grew your powers at the age of 4. We transferred them to the Crystal ball to protect you girls.

Daisy: How do we even have these powers?

Kara: My parents. Your grandparents. They have Powers. They inherited it from their ancestors. All of them have Powers.

Sarah: So, you have Powers?

Kara: Yes.

Daisy: What kind?

Kara: I can see in the dark, move things with my mind, read thoughts, control the four elements and run very fast.

Sarah: Wow.

Kara: You girls have to take this and leave. Go back to your house, Sarah. Take your sisters with you. Tell your family everything. This is for our safety. All of your powers combined, creates a strong and powerful Energy. You have to take your powers back. You need to train and practice them to control them.

Sarah: OK.

Sarah took the Crystal Ball and put it in her purse.

Dixon: Anthony will go with you. He can help you.

Kara: He's a friend of the family. He was always with us.

Sarah: Wait. Uncle Anthony?

Anthony: Yep.

Sarah: I didn't notice that. You looked so different.

Anthony: You don't remember me.

Sarah: Yeah.

Kimberly: We should get going.

Kara: You go. We will be staying at our house.

Sarah: Be safe.

Kara: We've got some Body Guards.

Dixon: And you each will have a Body Guard. Anthony knows all of the Body Guards we have.

Sarah: OK. Thanks. We'll be going now.

They hugged their parents goodbye, said goodbye and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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