Homework: Page 4 -Bar-

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Karina reached her desired destination after 10 minutes. While driving, she had scoped out the street, which led her directly to the bar street. There were various establishments around. At the end of this variety of venues, she spotted a bar that was neither too upscale nor too cheap. This was exactly where she wanted to be. After parking her car in a suitable spot, she grabbed her bag, locked the car, and headed towards the bar.

After paying the fee, Karina entered and immediately scanned the surroundings. While scanning, she noticed three girls sitting in front of the bartender. It was easy to tell that Winter was sitting on the left corner. Karina noticed that Winter was intoxicated beyond measure and went to sit in the empty chair next to her.

Ningning, sitting to Giselle's right, sighed and spoke. "Seriously, Giselle... How many times do I have to tell you? Winter is in love with you! It's been since the first day of school." Ningning, who was just starting to get drunk, looked at Giselle, who was sitting next to Winter, for a while. Giselle, on the other hand, didn't pay attention and rolled her eyes, asking the bartender for another drink. Winter, meanwhile, was disappointed to see Giselle's eye roll.

"Look, because of you, she's drinking all kinds of alcohol. And it's her first time drinking heavily like this. She even lied to her family to come here because of you." Ningning glared angrily at Giselle and grabbed the drink the bartender was about to give her, downing it in one go.

Winter, struggling to hold her head up, felt the need to look around. She looked to her right and then to her left. When she looked to her left, she saw a familiar face that surprised her. Karina, on the other hand, was not surprised at all. In fact, she had rested one hand on her face and was watching Winter intently.

"Karina- oh, I mean- teacher..?" Winter slurred her words due to being drunk and blinked a few times to make sense of what was happening. Then she let go of the hands holding her head and tried to regain her balance to turn to Karina.

In the meantime, Ningning and Giselle turned towards Karina with Winter's movement. And they started looking at the beautiful woman sitting next to Winter.

"Damn, she's so beautiful." Giselle looked at Karina enchantedly. Ningning also looked amazed, but her annoyance with Giselle's remarks didn't last long. Giselle was irritated because Winter didn't pay attention to her, and she also had some feelings for Giselle. But she preferred to remain platonic to avoid complications.

"Hm, Winter? Are you surprised to see me?" Karina smiled slightly as she looked at Winter's blushing cheeks. And she looked Winter up and down for a moment. Winter, wearing a black mini dress, had done her makeup beautifully to highlight her eyes. After scrutinizing Winter once again, Karina focused on her eyes.

"You- I mean, teacher... what are you doing here... Miss?" Winter blinked her eyes to try to understand what was happening and then turned to Karina again. "Am I- seeing delusional things...?"

Winter gathered her strength and put her hands on Karina's cheeks, playing with them. "I'm sure you're worrying about not doing your homework again... I'm hallucinating again... Definitely." Karina flinched slightly when Winter's hands touched her and felt the urge to bite her lips involuntarily.

Karina chuckled briefly, then gently grabbed Winter's hands on her cheeks and pulled them away from her face. "Don't worry so much, I'm upset with you for not doing your homework, but I'm not going to scold you right now." She wouldn't scold her now because she had plenty of tricks up her sleeve for when she punished her for not doing her homework. There were cunning plans in her mind.

"Oh, okay then, no problem. I'm going back to my friends, bye bye, teacher." Winter sent air kisses with her hands in a crooked manner and then turned sweetly to her friends on her right. Meanwhile, Karina had turned back to her own and ordered a nice drink. While sipping her drink, she didn't forget to listen to the conversation starting on her right.

"Winter, who is that woman?" Giselle looked at Karina with shining eyes, smiling from the side. Even the way the woman drank her drink impressed her. Every move she made was enough to impress Giselle.

"She's my math teacher... Why do you ask?" Winter straightened up a bit and turned her body completely towards Giselle. She looked at her with disappointed eyes. Winter was so upset that her eyes instantly filled with tears and her lips pursed. The girl she had been chasing for years had never looked at her like this.

As soon as a few tears fell from Winter's eyes, Ning's anger boiled over. "Damn it, I'm sick of you. I don't want to deal with you anymore, go screw yourself, Giselle. You didn't even care about this girl. What would have happened if you had cared a little?" Ningning rolled her eyes and turned back with a huff to ask the bartender for another drink. Her heart was breaking more and more with each passing second. She felt sorry for both herself and Winter.

When Giselle noticed that Winter and Ningning's attention had been diverted, she murmured to herself when she saw that Karina was focused on her. "I haven't played with you in a long time..." She said these words while looking at Winter. Giselle stretched her arms for a while, then straightened up and turned back to Winter. While she had been observing everything from the beginning, Karina had understood that Giselle was up to something and was paying close attention to her.

"Winter, sweetheart. Why are you crying, huh?" Giselle placed her hands on Winter's face. She straightened her gently and wiped away the tears with her thumbs. She was trying to be caring. When Ning noticed that Giselle suddenly started to act caring, she knew that something was going to happen and turned back immediately. Her head was spinning, but she still needed to know what was going on.

"Huh- Aeri?" Winter's heart began to beat faster. She felt embarrassed instantly and her cheeks blushed slightly. She held her face with her hands and couldn't believe that Giselle was actually being caring towards her. She couldn't understand what was going on, but she didn't want to understand either.

"Shh, don't cry anymore, okay? When you cry, you pout, and I can't stand it afterwards." Giselle laughed inwardly as she entertained herself. She tried not to show it outwardly, but even if she did, Winter was so drunk that she wouldn't notice anyway. Giselle was slowly approaching Winter's lips, smiling.

"Wow, seriously." Ningning didn't want to see this moment at all, so she turned her head and asked the bartender for another drink. She placed her hand in a way that would block her view and waited for her drink. With each passing second

"Whoa." Ningning didn't want to see this moment, so she turned her head and asked the bartender for another drink. He was waiting for his drink with his hand placed to block her view. Ningning's heart was breaking more and more with each passing second. She felt sorry for herself and for Winter.

Winter was at a loss for what to do as Giselle approached her. She closed her eyes tightly as if she would never open them. "Wh-what? What can't you stand-"

Winter couldn't control her racing heart, and she didn't realize what was happening when suddenly the hands dropped from her face and her head jerked sharply to the left.

Karina cupped Winter's face in her hands, cold from the ice in her drink, and without hesitation, she pressed her red lipstick lips to Winter's.

I'll make them kiss 😝

I am already too excited for other episodes

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