1: The Business Deal

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" Ruhan I would love to accept this deal, but I have to talk to my daughter first" Mohan said

" You're right I should talk to my son about this too. If they both agree, it will be really good for our companies. Our companies are the top in the world, and if we merged them together, with a marriage, we would be unstoppable" Ruhan said

"Yes you're right. I'm sure my daughter will say yes. I'll ask her when she comes home from work today" Mohan said

They said goodbye to each other and went home, waiting for their son and daughter to come home to ask them the question
Alia's POV
I was ready to go home and collapse in my bed. It had been a long day of work. I performed 3 surgeries but they were short. I was ready to cuddle up with my stuffed animals and sleep for hours.

I stepped inside my house and before I could get to the stairs, I heard my mom call for me. I found her and my dad in the dining room. They both stared at me and asked me to sit when i walked in.

I sat down and my dad said " Alia we have to ask u something" ask me something i thought, looking confused.

"What is it baba" I said

"Well you know how the Wasim company and our company are the top companies in the world. Me and the CEO of the company met today and decided that we should merge our companies"

" Omg Baba that's so good! you've been wanting to merge with them for a while now" I said excited for him

"But that's not all" he said. huh, I thought

" We agreed that to make sure one of us doesn't betray each other and just to tie this contract to merge the companies together, there should be a marriage with someone from both our families My dad said

" A marriage?" I said. " Well why are u telling me this. What does that have to do with me"

" well u are my eldest daughter and he has a son that is the same age as you. So, we thought that u guys could get married to really seal this deal." My dad said

I looked at him with my jaw dropped. " Ur joking right" I said in shock

" No i am not" he said with a straight face.

I turned to look at my mom " is he serious"

She nodded

I stood up " u want me to get married to some stranger for a business deal? do u realize how big of a deal marriage is. I'm sorry baba but i can't agree to that" I said abt to storm out

" ALIA WAIT" My dad screamed, making me stop " I have never asked u for anything, ever. This is the one thing i am asking u for, To marry his son, I promise he is nice and will treat u well. Can u js do this one thing for me js this one time" He pleaded

he's right. he has never asked me to do anything. He's given me the best life i could've asked for and i should pay him back somehow

" fine." i said coldly and walked out of the room

I walked to my bedroom and that's when I broke down. Why did i agree to that?
Hamza's POV
I was driving home early from work today because my dad said he wanted to talk to me about something

I walked into the house and saw my mom reading a book on the couch. I asked her where my dad was and she said he was in his study. We both headed there.

When i walked in, I saw my dad sitting in his chair , deep in thought. my mom went and got a chair and sat next to him. They both stared at me

"Why did u call me home early from work dad. what do u wanna talk abt?" I said as i sat in front of him

" You would do anything for the company right Hamza" He asked. " Yeah ofcourse" I said confused

"Well me and the CEO of the Omar company met today and we decided to merge our companies" he said

I looked up and smiled " that's great news dad"

" but we also agreed that to seal the deal, you and their oldest daughter should get married" he said staring at me

I sat there in silence for a minute " you want me to marry a stranger as part of a business deal?" I said

" Well when you say it like that it sounds bad " he said shrugging

" BECAUSE IT IS" I yelled, standing up

" Watch ur tone hamza" my mom said

i was boiling with anger. " I'm not
doing that dad" I said

"okay then say goodbye to being CEO of the company when I retire" my dad said

I scrunched my face up " What? ur threatening me with the company? unbelievable dad"

" So will u marry her or lose the company" he said

I formed fists with my hands and clenched my jaw " I'll marry her" I said and stormed out

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