2: The wedding

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Aila's POV
two weeks. It had only been two weeks since my parents had arranged my marriage and it was already my wedding day.

I don't know what the rush was but whatever.
I stared at my wedding dress when my mother walked in

"Aila you haven't gotten ready yet? what r u doing?" she asked

I sat there in silence

" I know ur mad about this Aila, but the wedding is starting soon. you have to put this on" she said

" fine i'll put it on" I said rolling my eyes

she then left and i sighed and started to wear it

about thirty minutes later my parents came to walk me down the aisle

We stood at the door of the venue and both my arms were linked with my parents. I took a deep breath and we stepped inside.

Hamza's POV
It was my wedding day. I didn't think it would happen this quickly, but i should've expected that, knowing my parents

I was already at the venue and sitting on the stage. We were now just waiting for the bride to come in.

I didn't even know her name was Aila until I saw the wedding sign infront of the venue today

I was deep in thought when I heard the doors open and music started playing

There she was. My future wife with her parents.

She was wearing a red and gold dress.

As she walked up to the stage her hazel eyes met mine

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As she walked up to the stage her hazel eyes met mine. We stared at each other for a couple seconds before fore looking away

She sat next to me on the stage and everyone came to greet us and congratulate us. There were also a lot of cameras around, so this was definitely going to be in the news.

I mean the top two companies in the world who everyone thought were enemies were now merging with a marriage.

Before I knew it, it was time to eat. All the guests got food first and then me and Aila were able to get it. We had our own table we had to eat at.

As soon as we sat down, a girl approached Aila

Aila's POV
Me and Hamza, my husband whose name i just found out today, were sitting down to eat food.

So many people had come up to greet us and I was already so tired and hungry by now.

Just as I was about to dig in, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and saw by best friend, Amal.

I jumped up and hugged her

" the wedding started like two hours ago why are you so late" I started yelling at her while still in her embrace

" i'm sorry I fell asleep and lost track of time i'm rlly sorry " she said.

I looked at her and said " omg u and ur naps what a lame excuse" i said rolling my eyes

" Aila I rlly am sorry and i'm here now!" she said

"is Murat (her husband) here too" i asked

" yeah he went to the bathroom" she replied

" ok lets go and see my parents or else they're gonna get mad that u didn't greet them" I said

" are u js going to leave ur husband like that" she whispered in my ear

I looked over at him and saw him on his phone. UGH what a jerk he was on his phone at our wedding.

" he'll be fine" I said storming away

She followed after me and we went to my parents and chatted with them.

Before I knew it, the wedding was over and I had to go to my husbands house.

Everyone went outside the venue where a car was waiting for me and Hamza to get inside.

This was the time I had to say goodbye. I hugged my siblings first and tried not to cry

Then hugged my parents. Despite the fact that they set up this marriage and i barely had a choice in it, I still loved them. I felt some tears coming out of my eyes. I barely ever cry, so they were rlly surprised by this and my mom started crying too.

I then hugged my best friend. I was basically saying " bye" to her too bc she was like a sister to me. Atleast my husband lived in the same city tho, so I was rlly close to my family and Amal. and me and amal still worked at the same hospital I thought to myself

After about 10 minutes I said my final goodbyes and got in the car

I looked over and saw Hamza sitting there on his phone again

What was so important on his phone that he couldn't put it away for a couple hours

I sighed. I guess this is what I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of my life.

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