a story i've never told

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I loved you the minute I met you.

It was a fact I'm sure everyone knows.

You once said I had a heart of gold

and so I wore it on my sleeve in an effort to stay and show you I would never leave.

I was so full of light and our future seemed so bright.

I was sure with you I'd build a garden where nothing but love grows.

But in your eyes

you were the rose, and I was nothing but a thorn stuck in your side.

I saw dandelions and daisies in lavender fields.

But to you the rest were just weeds.

And a weed is but an unloved flower; something you never wanted or felt you would need.

And that candle that once burned bright had become dimmer and duller and it brought you delight.

Because it was in the night
that you could not see
the things that you said you did not want nor did you need.

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