Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

By the time class ended I wanted to cut off my ears and hand them to Mr. Crymble and say, "Here, you're one step closer to murdering me with the look" because Patrick wouldn't stop asking me, "How do you say this?" And "when do you think they stopped using ''tis' as a contraction and started using 'it's'?"

That boy just wouldn't friggin' stop talking! If he doesn't have ADD, I don't know who does.

The bell rang and I walked up to Mr. Crymble, hand outstretched, with Patrick behind me. "Phone please," I said.

He handed it to me, a frown on his face. "Next time, if you insist on bringing your phone to class, make sure you turn it off."

"But ... then I might as well have not brought it."


I rolled my eyes, turning for the door, almost bumping into Patrick. "Bye Mr. Crymble."

"Goodbye Miss. Channing. Have a nice afternoon."

"You too!" I called, heading out the door.

Patrick was still glued to my side. I swear, he was actually tied to me or something.

"Isn't there anyone else you can follow around like a creeper? A friend, maybe?" I questioned.

"I just moved here, you're only one I know."

"You know Rachel. Why don't you stalk her?" I winced, once again, suddenly remembering yesterday's events.

"You're more appealing," he replied.

"Oh thank you!" I exclaimed. "Every girl loves to be called APPEALING!" I said, sarcastically. "Never mind, pretty, cute, hot, beautiful, sexy, and an even larger collection of better words. No, I'm appealing. That's great, that’s just fantastic –" I rambled.

"I think you're beautiful." I blushed a deep scarlet.

Whoa, where the hell did that come from?

"Wow ... um ... a little too straightforward, don't ya think?"

"You don't like to be called beautiful?"

"No, I mean, yes, I ... mean ... you know, of course. But it just ... caught me off guard."

"I'm sorry, I tend to speak my mind."

I looked away, still blushing, and mumbled, "And you obviously don't have a problem doing it."

"Anyways, I'm going to my locker," he told me. "See ya later."

"Yeah, see ya," I replied, still mystified by what he said to me. I watched him walk away.

I turned to my locker, which I now realized he had led me directly too. I opened it, momentarily forgetting my combination. I pulled out my books for my last class of the day, which was, regrettably, social studies, the most boring class in the history of mankind.

Closing it, I turned around, and jumped, putting my hand to my chest. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Kurt, your locker is like, two away from mine."

"No way!"

I rolled my eyes. "Way."

"Wow, I honestly had no idea our lockers were this close."

"Obviously not."

"Hmm," he shrugged.

"Well, I'm going to my class ..." I trailed off, awkwardly.

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