Movie planning

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I and Katy both looked at the phone. We were now in a group call with Steven and Jayden. I pressed the answer button. Little did I know this would be the worst mistake of my life.
Jayden, they asked me and Katy if we would want to go to the movies tomorrow. We both answered sure, but we would have to check with my stepmom and my dad first. After that, we all talked until it was 2:00 AM. We today had nothing to say and left the call.

Katy turned to me and said, "let's go ask heather if it's okay before she goes to bed". We both were today walking down the stairs. We hit the bottom, and we're today in the living room. "Heather, would it be okay to go to the movies with some friends tomorrow?". She then got up from the couch. Before we had come down, she was sleeping. I knew she didn't mind if I had woken her up while asleep, so it was okay. "I don't see a problem with it, but I would have to talk to your dad first". My dad had already been asleep, so I knew we would have to wait until the morning. I also learned if it was okay with one, it was okay with the other. I and Katy did goodnight to heather and walked back to my bedroom.

Because it was summer and I had not a/c, it was hot in my room. "Why is it always so hot here" Katy said, walking over to the fan turning it to the highest setting. "Because we have no a/c, and it is like 90 degrees out" I replied with a face of and are you dumb face. We both yawned and said goodnight to each other before falling asleep.

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