The movies

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By now it was time for the movies, we got in the car and drove. Like ever, Katy had to play the music, so she always went to sit in the front. I always had to sit in the back. It didn't bother me though because I sat in the front when she wasn't here. She put on some music. Though she played good music, it wasn't my type of music. Before we knew it, we were at the movies. The regret I would get after this event.

We walked inside and saw Jayden. He then asked us to just go to the movies, and he would come back with his friends. Jayden also had his little brother and wanted him to come with us. There me, Katy, and Jayden's brother were walking into the theater. We got into the movies and into our seats. Soon, Jayden came back with two of his friends, jack, and Aiden. Neither of who were Steven. I turned to Jayden and asked where Steven was. "I don't know, he said he was going to, come" he replied. I always hated Aiden, jack I didn't mind. I would say we were even friends. Aiden never spoke to me, but the one time we had spoken was because he threw a water bottle at me. He also was rude to my friends, and nobody messes with my friends. We continued to watch the movies. Well, me, Katy, and Jayden's little brother. The three other boys couldn't sit down until we were halfway through the movie when Aiden sat down. Aiden sat right next to me, which sucked mostly. After a while, he didn't seem so bad. I offered the M&M's I had to him and he took them. Meanwhile, Katy and Jayden were flirting mostly, more so Jayden than Katy, but you get it. Finally, the movie was over, and we all headed to the arcade.

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