Billy Antrim Part 3

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The boys were back and it didn't take long for Barbara to notice and run straight for the leader. Jesse hopped off his horse and ran up to her, spinning her around and giving her a kiss. You took Billy's hand for reassurance as Jesse made his way over to the pair of you.

"Well I'll be damned. If it isn't Billy the Kid."

He noticed you holding Billy's hand and looked in between the two of you.

"I take it y/n has been taking good care of ya?" Billy nodded adding a,

"She sure has. Healed me up real quick, just like a nurse."

Jesse laughed and introduced Billy to the rest of the boys. They walked inside leaving you and Billy alone outside.

"You don't have to go in yet if you don't want to" you told Billy and he stared at the house. 

"Let's go for a ride. Gotta clear my head before I go in there."

Still holding your hand, he led you to the horses where you saddled them up and went for a ride to clear your minds. You came across a creek and decided to rest there for a while. While you were setting up the blanket, you saw Billy take off his shirt and jump into the water. You didn't question it as it was a hot day and figured he was overheating. It wasn't long before you heard Billy call out to you.

"Y/n get your pretty little ass in here!"

With a smirk on your face you walk to the edge of the water but not daring to go any further. You cross your arms and sway back and forth.

"Now why would I do such a thing Mr. Antrim?"

"Why ma'am I suspect because it's hotter than Hades out here and you look mighty hot. Literally and figuratively, might I add."

He had a big smile across his face as he added that last part.

"I think I'll do just fine over here thank you very much."

He gave you a pouty face as you turned around and walked back to the blanket you had laid out. Once you were comfortable laying down, eyes closed, and soaking up the sun, you felt water droplets falling on you. You open your eyes to find Billy standing over you, hair a moppy, wet, brown mess. He's holding in a laugh while you gasp and say,

"Billy Antrim I swear, if you drip anymore water on you I'm gonna-"
He cuts you off by leaning down giving you a sweet kiss. Pulling away he says,

"Or you're gonna what?"

He then grabs you, puts you over his shoulder and runs down to the water. Once he reaches it, he throws you in leaving your jaw dropped and gasping from the cold.

"Billy Antrim, how dare you! It's freezing!"

You both laugh for a while before you stand up and splash water at him. You play like this until the sun goes down, then make your way back to the house.

"Where have you two been y/n?"

"Just out Barb, nothing to worry about"

You gave her a smile as you walked off into your and Billy's room. You see him standing over the bed with his head down and...was he crying?

"Billy, are you ok?"

He quickly turns around and wipes his tears away. So he was crying. You didn't question him and your eyes trailed down to his hands. He was holding something but you couldn't tell what. You walk over to him and hold his face in your hands. 

"Billy, what's going on?"

He gives you a smile and says,

"I've been thinking about this for a while and well..."

He opened his hands to show you a simple gold band wrapped in a handkerchief. Confused, you look up at Billy in search of an answer.

"It was my mothers. I've been carrying it around since she passed. Y/n, I want you to have it."

You gasp, putting your hands over your mouth and you fight the tears that are pooling in your eyes.

"I love you and there's no doubt about. Y/n L/n will you do me the greatest honor and be my wife?" 

Billy asks in a whisper so only you can hear as he bends down on one knee. Looking into his eyes you knew. You knew you loved him and he loved you. So your answer was quick and simple.

"Yes Billy Antrim, it would be my honor to marry you!"

You both smile as he places the ring on your left hand, envelops you in a hug and showers you in kisses.

You had found him. 

The prince charming you thought would never come. Yet here he was, holding you in arms with you wearing his mothers ring. Life wasn't so bad anymore, you finally had something, and someone, worth living for. 




Thank you for reading! 

I'm sorry for the inconsistent updates. I'm doing my best to write as often as I can!

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