The Snake and His Songbird

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You have lived in District 12 ever since the peacekeepers rounded you and your family up. You were part of the Covey, a bunch of music loving people who came together and became family. You joined the Covey when you were 8 years old. You are now 18 and still going strong. You and Lucy Gray were the leads of the group as you had the best voices. When you sang, Lucy Gray played the guitar and vice versa. Because she was in the Games, you had taken over as lead singer for the group. On this particular night, Lucy was making her first appearance after coming home from the Capitol. The Covey had just finished their first song when Maude Ivory introduced Lucy Gray who made her way on stage, twirling with her guitar.

"Well hey there District 12 did you miss me?"

Lucy Gray called out as she looked among the crowd, happy to be back home.

"I bet y'all didn't expect to see me again but I am back!"

The crowd cheered as she began strumming her guitar, turning to face you with a smile.

"Now I wanna welcome my talented sister y/n y/l/n to the stage! She's been holding down the fort while I've been away so thank you y/n!"

You come on stage with a huge smile, hugging Lucy Gray before walking to your mic. She strung the guitar as you began singing.

"Can't take me past. Can't take my history. You can take my pa, but his name's a mystery."

Then Lucy Gray began singing alongside you in harmony,

"Nothing you can take from me, was ever worth keeping. No nothing you can take, was ever worth keeping"

The crowd went wild as the pair of you blessed them with your singing for the first time in a long time. As you finish the song and make your way backstage, you notice a peacekeeper with a platinum blonde buzz cut walk towards you.

"Lucy Gray!"

He calls out as you turn around and grab her arm, turning her back as well. The pair shared a moment of silence before Lucy walked up and hugged him.

"Y/n this is, was my mentor Coriolanus Snow."

He gave you a smile and stuck out his hand to shake yours. Shaking his hand you smile and say,

"Pleasure to meet you Coriolanus. Lucy Gray has told me all about you."

You had to admit, you were very attracted to him. Those eyes were the bluest you had ever seen. It made sense that Lucy Gray was falling for him, you were too at this point. But you thought he only had eyes for her.

"Well I'm gonna turn in for the night but I hope to see you around Coriolanus. See you at home Luc"

You hugged the girl goodbye and made your way back home.

Coriolanus Snow arrived in District 12 in hopes to reunite with Lucy Gray but what he didn't expect was to meet you. The moment he laid eyes on you on that stage, he had a gut feeling that you were something special. He followed you and Lucy Gray to say hi to her but also meet you. Now, Lucy Gray wasn't even a thought in his mind.

The next day, there was a knock at the door to which you opened it. You were greeted with a pair of blue eyes and a smile.

"Y/n, good morning"

"Good morning Coriolanus. I can fetch Lucy Gray for you"

"I actually didn't come here for her. I was hoping I could talk to you."

"Oh, um let me grab my scarf and we can go for a walk"

You leave him standing at the door while you walk to your room and grab your mothers scarf. You check your hair in the makeshift mirror you had then made your way to Coriolanus. You left a note in the kitchen saying you were out and weren't sure when you would be back.

"So Coriolanus Snow, what on earth would you want to talk to me about?"

You chuckle as the two of you make your way down to the meadow.

"Well first off, you can call me Coryo, it's much shorter. And second, I want to know you. I will admit, I saw you yesterday and well..."

His voice trailed off, leaving your mouth open. You thought he loved Lucy Gray but here he is saying he wants to get to know you.

"Well my ma and pa passed when I was 8 so that's when I joined the Covey. I've lived all around but was forced to settle here in 12. I love to sing, dance, and tend to the flowers in this here meadow"

You motioned your arms around the meadow you were now walking in.

"My parents passed away too. My father during the war and my ma during childbirth. I was going to have a baby sister."

You stopped, not knowing what to say to this. You grab his hand and squeeze it saying,

"I'm so sorry. That can't have been easy for you"

"It wasn't but I've grown up and live with my Grandma'am and cousin Tigris. I think you would love them, Grandma'am loves singing too."

He laughed at the last part stating that she sang Panems anthem every morning.

"I've always wanted to visit the Capitol, despite what Lucy Gray tells me. Maybe I will meet them one day."

The two of you found your way down to the lake which only you and the Covey knew about.

"It's beautiful out here isn't it?"

You asked Coryo as you sat down on the dock, putting your feet in the water

"I suppose it is but there's only one beautiful thing I can see."

You turn your head to see him looking at you. Those piercing blue eyes met your soft y/e/c ones. You blushed and looked away, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Don't go all mushy on me Coriolanus Snow. You know we've only just met"

"That's true but I feel like I've known you my whole life"

What a cheesy saying you thought but at the same time you felt exactly the same. He took your hand in his, planting a kiss on your knuckles. You chuckled but kept your hand in his. All of a sudden he grabs your waist and pulls you close to him.

"I wish I would have met you sooner y/n"

He grabs your face with both hands and leans in close enough to kiss you but doesn't. His eyes dart from your eyes to your lips, almost asking for permission. Your heart beats faster by the second, the urge to close that small space between you growing.

"Yeah that would have been nice"

You reply then he closes the gap between you sending fireworks throughout your body. You kiss for what feels like forever until you break apart for air. He looks at you and smiles, still holding your face in his hands. You smile and blush yet again before giving him a quick kiss. You then bolt up and run back to the start of the dock. Taking off your dress, leaving you in your undergarments, you run across the dock and cannonball into the lake. Coriolanus looks at you in shock before grabbing the hand you held out for him to help you back up. But as soon as he grabs you, you yank him in the water with you.

"You're wild y/n"

He says as you wrap your arms around his neck, making sure not to push him under.

"Oh I know"

You reply with a smirk before kissing him again. 





Thank you so much for reading!

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