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"Coryo, you've changed since your time in 12. What happened?"

You stared at your best friend not believing the person whom you have known your whole life was different now. How could your sweet, caring, Coriolanus become a hateful narcissist?

"You know how I felt about going down there y/n. And you know exactly why I went there so why are you so surprised?"

You knew he went there because of her. But how could you hate her? All she wanted was to survive the Games and get back home to her family. It wasn't her fault Coryo took a liking to her or her to him. She fell in love with the real Coriolanus. Not this new version of him. It's the side you fell in love with too, but you would never tell him. The only person that knows is Tigris. So yes, you were in love with your best friend or at least you were...

"I know you went because of her, I know that. But all of a sudden she goes missing and here you are acting like nothing in the world matters. Acting like you're a god and everyone should bow down to you. How dare you"

He looks at you with those piercing blue eyes. He only showed a hint of shock as your words came out. They took him aback for a minute as he never expected you of all people to talk to him like that.

"If you're gonna be a baby about it, why don't you just leave?"

His words stung you like a thousand knives. How dare he come here and talk to you like that? All you ever wanted was to help him. But maybe he doesn't want your help anymore.


Is all you can muster as you grab your clothes from his dresser, your books from his desk, and your toiletries from the bathroom. Stuffing them in your bag, you turn the doorknob slowly, giving him one last chance to take it back. After a moment of silence, you open the door and don't look back. As you make your way towards the front door, Tigris calls out your name.

"Y/n wait! Where are you going?"

"He doesn't want me here anymore Tigris. What's the point of staying? I can't be around him if he's like this. I'm sorry"

"Please don't go y/n. This is your home! We need you here, I need you here"

"I'll stay with my cousin in 2 until I can make it on my own. Come visit me T, you and grandma'am. I just can't be around him"

Tigris looks at you with teary eyes. She just nods her head and pulls you in for a hug.

"Give grandma'am a hug and kiss for me will you? Tell her thank you for everything she has done for me"

"Yes, of course I will"

You smile, nodding your head and make your way out the door. As you make your way to the sidewalk, you stop at a bench and put your bag down. Sitting on the bench you begin to cry. Crying for the memories you had with Coryo, for the man you loved and who is now gone, for the love that could have been, for the time lost. After what feels like hours, you grab your bag and head to the train station to go to 2. This was the start of a new life. Free of Coriolanus Snow. Free of the Capitol. Free for you to do whatever you needed to to move on. Goodbye Capitol, hello District 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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