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Wooji was exactly where Yoongi expected to find him – at the bar, with his swaggering attitude and a tight Mojito in his right hand. Seeing him was like waving a red flag in front of an enraged bull – Yoongi couldn't see past his anger. He pushed through the crowd, ignoring the complaints that followed his rough gestures – all those people, he didn't care. His only goal in there was that arrogant face flaunting its designer clothes.

Yoongi reached him. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off the stool. The cocktail spilled, soaking the guy's clothes as he let out a surprised groan, staring at the stranger with wide eyes. "What the hell?!" he asked, and Yoongi answered by delivering a hard punch to his face.

People started getting agitated, the bartender immediately pressed some kind of button to attract security's attention. Yoongi didn't care. He threw another punch, strong, seeing blood staining his knuckles. Someone pulled him from behind to keep him away from Wooji, who, with a swollen and split lip, a gaze filled with fear, looked at his aggressor and asked, "Why...?"

"Approach Jimin again," Yoongi growled as they forcibly moved him away from the guy. "And I swear I'll break your legs."

A murmur of "calm down, guys" and "there's no need to do this" filled Yoongi's ears as he was escorted out of the bar. They advised him to go home if he didn't want to get into trouble. Apparently, Wooji had requested that the police not be called, but it was still better to steer clear and avoid attracting too much attention.

Yoongi rubbed one hand against his scratched knuckles and mounted his bike. He hated this kind of situation, but even more, he hated when people bothered his... friends? He wasn't sure if Jimin was really a friend, but he was certain that he cared enough to go beat up a guy in a bar. Insane. Yoongi had just shattered part of his "mantra" that way. For work, he had promised himself not to get involved with his clients, yet... Yet, Jimin had managed to do much more than that.

He didn't feel just involved... He was afraid he had developed some sort of crush, and nothing could be more wrong. Once he reached his apartment, he took out his phone and saw a couple of missed calls. He sighed. It was Jaeyoung, a client in his fifties who demanded his services more than necessary.

He sighed and called him back. As much as he wanted to be anywhere but with that man, it was still his job, and he had to finish it, even with that little setback named Jimin.


"I told you that you were overreacting, worrying so much!" Jimin crossed his legs, pressed the phone between his ear and shoulder, and plunged his hand into the bag of chips. "He understood I'm not interested, and he's gone, simple. Taehyung, you're the same old mother hen."

Taehyung, on the other end of the line, frowned. "Do you really think...? Sorry," he cleared his throat. "Do you believe that Wooji magically disappeared because you rejected him?" he asked incredulously. He was sure Yoongi would have contacted Jimin, or at least, he had imagined that his intervention would lead to some sort of happy ending between the two. Discovering that Jimin was in the dark about everything caught him off guard.

"Of course. What other reasons could there be, otherwise?" Jimin asked, laughing softly. He brought a chip to his mouth and crunched it.

"Well, you know, Yoongi? I mean... I can't believe you don't know anything." Taehyun pressed a hand to his forehead. "I... Don't get mad, please, but I called Yoongi and explained that Wooji was bothering you, and..."


"I know, I know... Anyway, I think Yoongi went to kick his ass, and... Oh God, really, he didn't call you back?"

Jimin stared with wide eyes. He needed a few minutes to realize what Taehyung was telling him. "N-No... Not a word. Not even a text... Nothing. I was convinced I got rid of him on my own. Damn. Why did you call him?!"

"Jimin, that guy was a PSYCHO. You take some situations lightly and ignore how dangerous they can be!"

"And so you pay someone, someone I've even had feelings for that I'm trying to forget, and have people beat him up?!"

"Yes! But... Yoongi never cashed my check. JIMIN. Do you understand?! Yoongi didn't take my money; he did it for you!"

Jimin shook his head and pressed a hand against his face. Thoughts were racing in his mind. "What should I think? That he did it because he cares about me? If you haven't noticed, he's still a jerk... And he didn't even make half a call."

"Maybe he needs time. Or maybe he doesn't just want to hurt you. He knows he hurt you, he knows it very well."

"Yeah," Jimin agreed, letting out a long sigh. "So he should also know that he's the only one who can heal my wounds."

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