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When the doorbell rang, Jimin was already behind it, his heart pounding. He immediately reached for the handle, but when his fingers closed around the cold brass, he hesitated. Outside was Yoongi. The overwhelming desire to see him contrasted with the anxiety of facing him. He knew that the moment their eyes met again, everything would change forever. There would be no more room for lies, for hiding what they truly felt. If he opened that door, he promised himself to be completely honest.

He lowered the handle, pulled the threshold forward, and... It was like diving, hitting the water, sinking into it, feeling the saltiness sting your lungs. Yoongi was there, and he was beautiful, with his perpetually disgruntled face, but eyes shining with anticipation. They both stood still, looking at each other, as if they wanted to say a thousand things without having any idea how to start. Jimin opened his mouth, deciding that he had to be the first to say something, anything. The task of breaking that silence belonged to no one else but him.

"Yoongi, I-"

Yoongi, however, didn't share the same opinion. Words were important, yes, but not now. He took Jimin by the shoulders, pulled him close, and sealed their lips in a kiss that, from the first moment, was filled with passion, emotion, all those feelings and secrets that had been silent until then. Their tongues caressed each other while their warm breaths mingled. Jimin could only think that Yoongi's taste was the best in the world, that there would never be anyone else, no one, who tasted so good. When they separated, they rested their foreheads against each other. The lashes of their half-closed eyes brushed against each other, and Jimin couldn't help but smile like a fool. He had never felt anything like this before, which meant only one thing... This must be what it feels like when you're in love.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked with a soft voice. Jimin nodded slowly, disoriented. He didn't know how they would go on now, how to start a conversation or do anything. There was a kind of embarrassment in the air. It was too good to be true, but at the same time, too strange. In a completely positive sense, of course.

"Yes. You?" Jimin asked in return, clearing his throat. Somehow, his hands had ended up around Yoongi's hips, and they seemed reluctant to move. Yoongi leaned in to plant another sweet kiss on his mouth.

"I need to talk to you about something."

Jimin felt his heart start beating faster. As inexperienced as he was in the realm of relationships (and as much as they were anything but a couple, actually), he was sure that a sentence like that didn't bode well.

"Uhm. Okay. What?" Jimin said. Yoongi stepped back for a moment and then looked around. They were still in the hallway of the house.

"Do you mind if we go inside first?"

Right. Jimin felt like an idiot for not thinking of that himself. "Of course," he replied immediately, moving away from the doorway to let him in. He closed the door behind them, and they went to the living room. They sat side by side on the couch. Jimin was eager to know what Yoongi had to tell him, but at the same time, he was also scared. He remained silent, waiting, and for seconds that seemed eternal, Yoongi did the same.

"I quit my job," he confessed finally. Jimin widened his eyes. He didn't even know how to feel. Happy? Shocked? Both? His mind was a mess right now.

"W-What?! Why...?!"

Yoongi stretched his legs. His gaze was fixed on something indefinite. It was clear he was avoiding Jimin's eyes at that moment. "Why?" he asked as if it were obvious. "For you. Jimin... I'm not good with words."

Maybe. Yet, FOR YOU had been enough to give Jimin a small heart attack.

Yoongi sighed and then continued his speech. "When I found out about that jerk, I went crazy. It had never happened to me. I care about you, Jimin... When I realized it, I also realized that I can't do stupid things anymore." He turned to look at him and brushed his cheek. Jimin still looked stunned, not fully understanding if it was reality or one of his crazy dreams. "I need you to be mine."

It was Jimin who snapped this time. He knelt on the couch and leaned in towards Yoongi, kissing him immediately. Again, this was enough for a voracious, deep kiss to emerge between them, a kiss that spoke more than those two would ever be able to say. Yoongi stretched out on the couch and brought Jimin on top of him. His hands roamed over the younger one's chest, twisted his shirt between his fingers, took it off... Touching his skin had been missed so much by Yoongi that he felt stupid for depriving himself of it for so long.

Jimin shivered and then began to lift Yoongi's shirt just as he had done with him. He let it fall to the floor and started kissing his chest, and kiss after kiss, he felt more and more intoxicated, as if Yoongi had powers over his sobriety. He bit his nipple, and Yoongi let out a amused smirk, then caressed his buttocks.

"You're wonderful," he said to Jimin, who blushed slightly and climbed with kisses up to his neck, just below his chin. Meanwhile, Yoongi's fingers had moved, and now they were unbuttoning his pants, letting the button slip through the buttonhole. "Wonderful..." he repeated, while firmly placing his hands on his hips, lowered his pants and boxers.

It didn't take long for every single piece of clothing left on their bodies to end up on the floor along with what had already been taken off. The desire between them was intense, impossible to tame or contain. Jimin rubbed his buttocks against the older one's erection, sitting on top of him, and slowly masturbated him with his buttocks. Yoongi clenched his teeth, holding back a moan. Damn. He loved certain games, but he missed it too much, too much to linger on foreplay for long.

"Jimin..." he groaned hoarsely, and Jimin smiled at the desire and impatience written on the older one's face. He placed a hand on his erection and, holding it, helped himself to sit on it and be penetrated by it. It started to flow quickly through his body, Jimin tilted his head back and moaned loudly. Yoongi's hands tightened on his hips and began to guide him, lowering him hard onto his erection and setting the rhythm of their lovemaking.

The living room was saturated with their moans, their sighs, but even more so with their unexpressed feelings. This wasn't just sex, it was clear to both of them... It was love, and even if they didn't have the courage to say it, even if they didn't have the courage to admit it to themselves yet. The way their bodies came together was perfect, almost magical. The passion was intense, but even stronger was the need to convey to each other how much they had missed.

Orgasm seized them almost at the same moment, further proof of their perfect harmony in that embrace. Jimin ran his hands through Yoongi's hair, and with a voice still broken from the pleasure he had just experienced, whispered, "Don't leave me," against his mouth, forcing another kiss. Yoongi dragged his hands over his back, caressing it. Jimin was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to him. He was sure that for such a person, it was worth risking everything, changing his life. Maybe it wouldn't be easy, maybe they would face a thousand difficulties... But one thing he was sure of: he would never regret choosing Jimin over everything else. Never.

"I promise you," he whispered, returning his kiss, holding him tightly, as if he never wanted to let him go again. "I promise you."

— THE END — 

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