Chapter 8

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Clawdeen stared heart broken after realizing her favorite Popsicle was gone

Clawdeen: Please Let This Be A Dream!

she rushed to Velvet

Clawdeen: Velvet!! Please Tell Me I'm Dreaming!

Velvet patted her back

Velvet: I'm sorry Clawdeen, I guess they stopped making them

Clawdeen: STOPPED MAKING THEM!? Why In The Underworld Would They Stop Making Wolf Bars?! Their Wolves On Eyes-Cream!

Velvet: nobody buys them anymore, they only buy vampire bites since they put some cherry flavor in there so when you bite one, your teeth turns red

Clawdeen: Are You Serious!? I Literally Never Seen Anyone Buy One!

Velvet: isn't Draculaura magic, couldn't she make some more?

Clawdeen: Nope! I am not allowed to ask her for requests after... the incident...

Velvet: the incident?

Clawdeen: you don't want to know...

she walked sadly to the empty wolf bar freezer

Clawdeen: I'll miss your, chocolate insides, with your gumball eyes... you were too good for this world...

Velvet stared at Clawdeen as she hugged the freezer

Velvet: I'll give you an Eyes-Cream on the house


Clawdeen hummed happily as she walked to Fear-leading practice while carrying her wolf backpack and eating a chocolate Eyes-Cream. she opened the front doors and stepped outside and walked to the fear-leading team

Clawdeen: Sorry I'm Late Guys- Whoa!

a wolf jumped at her and pinned her to the ground, growling at her

Clawdeen: AH!

Draculaura used her magic to levitate the wolf up and pin it to the ground

Draculaura: you alright Deen?

Clawdeen nodded and Draculaura tossed the wolf in a cage Headmistress Bloodgood had set up so she could take them deep in the woods and set them free. Kuma grabbed 2 Wolves by their tails and threw them in the cage, Toralei chased one before pouncing on one

Clawdeen: What Happened!?

Headmistress Bloodgood grabbed one

Bloodgood: someone left the gate open and these wolves came in, but the weird thing is no one left the school in the last three days

Clawdeen: well, since Crecent listens to me when I'm in werewolf form cause she's a dog, maybe they will listen to me?

Draculaura: Clawdeen, there is a big difference between a dog and a wolf

Clawdeen: what's the difference?

she got close to one of the wolves and tried barking but the wolf almost bit her face off, but Draculaura pulled her away just in time. Clawd grabbed one of the wolves  then saw something

Clawd: Guys! These Things Have Trackers!

Bloodgood: that must mean, the human definitely know we exist! and is trying to find us! we must break the trackers immediately!

Clawdeen: and while you guys do that, I'm looking for a human!

she was about to run off when Clawd grabbed her arm

Monster High: Destiny Book 2: A Werewolf's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now