Chapter 20

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Clawdeen stayed silent as Vito began speaking

Vito: looks like I caught a traitor, you've dishonored humans by even speaking to a monster!

Vinny: I'm not a part of your family anymore, I don't have to listen to you. Selena has welcomed me to her home

Vito: monsters are liars and murderers! and have no respect for humans! they will never accept you!

he pressed his hand against Vinny's head and pressed down hard

Vito: they are probably using you for a plan!

Clawdeen growled hearing that

Vito: You Are Nothing! It's Pathetic! Just Like You! and with my lousy sister gone, I can send you back to her *chuckle* not before I have a little fun of course

he grabbed an axe he had brought with him

Vito: your about to me missing two legs

he was about to bring it down when Clawdeen came running out

Clawdeen: DON'T YOU DARE!

she tried swiping at him but he dodged

Clawdeen: are you okay?

Vinny: yeah

Vito: Oh Come On! Don't You Know Your Place You Bastard? This Isn't Your Problem!

Clawdeen: Vinny Is My Best Friend! His Safety Is My Highest Priority! So Yeah, This Is My Problem!

Vito: You Want To Protect That? He's Nothing But A One Legged Burden! He'll Only Slow You Down! You Monsters Wouldn't Understand Though, Your Minds Have Been Poisoned


Clawdeen turns to Vinny

Clawdeen: go and get my mother as soon as possible

Vinny: what about you?

Clawdeen: I'll... entertain him lets say...

Vinny nodded and limped away as fast as he could

Vito: sending that traitor away already?

Clawdeen: He's Not A Traitor! And Your An Idiot!

Vito: I've been called worse

Clawdeen: you'd be crying if I said the things on my mind right now

she gasped seeing Vito's body being surrounded by a black aura

Vito: you sure you want to fight kid?

Clawdeen: if it means you will pay for your sins, then yes!

she pounced on him but he easily threw her off, she landed on her feet and dodged when he tried to jump on her. Clawdeen then scratched his leg, making him scream and kick her in the face, she groaned and jumped on him and ripped his ear off, he screamed louder and used his power to toss her into the air and body slammed her on the ground. he then grabbed her and threw her hard into the gravestone. Clawdeen groaned in pain and glared at Vito as he approached

Vito: down already? a human beat a werewolf? not so tough, are you?

Clawdeen noticed the clouds and her eyes turned purple as she pointed her paw to the sky and suddenly lightning struck Vito. he screamed and fell to the ground. Clawdeen got up, her body now having a purple aura surround it

Vito: What?! You Have The Power Too?!

Clawdeen: I Don't Know What This Is!

he jumped to her but she swiped him across his chest

Monster High: Destiny Book 2: A Werewolf's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now