Back to Camp

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It was a normal day at camp. People were picking strawberries in the fields; People were practicing Archery and Annabeth was bombarded by children form the Afrodite cabin.

"Its nothing! Its just a movie!" Annabeth's voice was booming with embarrassment and anger, her cheeks were flush.

"Annabeth! Its not only just a movie! You are going to watch a movie with Percy. ALONE!" Silena Beauregard was shouting at her while she walked behind her.

Annabeth preceded to throw her shoe in the direction of them and then they all backed off. I looked in amusement sitting at my table in the dining pavilion. Next to me at the Athena table sat former hunter, and my "bodyguard" Christine Paul. Her black hair was in a high ponytail, and she was wearing the typical camp outfit: An orange camp Half- Blood shirt and jeans shorts. She was shining in the sunlight as she ate some grapes. She looked amused at the scene before turning in my direction.

"You need a haircut." She said plainly.

She was not wrong. Since our quest to San Fransico last winter my hair had grown. It was long and kind of got in the way when I was at archery practice. I looked at her smugly.

"What? You don't like it?" I asked sarcastically. She just laughed and came over and ruffled my hair.

"Come, lest meet the new sword instructor!" I said and began to walk towards the sword arena.

Christine walked beside me and that's when I noticed something. She had gotten taller, but also, I had gotten taller. It was quite apparent that the hunters blessing was no longer applied to her. She had gotten taller; her body began to... You know what, never mind. She had become more beautiful with time, and it was kind of hard to see the other guys at looking at her. Was I jealous? Maybe a little.

The new sword instructor was nowhere to be seen, but I could feel a presence. Like something cold yet hot had been in the area. While walking back we saw a bizarre sight. There was Annabeth in a pink dress, running from Selena who was running from Clarisse. Christine and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Annabeth was taking a taxi from camp and all the way to the city to meet Percy. The rest of the day was spent to do archery and Selena giving me a haircut.

It was around midday when Annabeth came back with Percy. I looked at Annabeth who was pissed and Percy who looked like he had set fire to a house. I realized that Percy thoroughly screwed up. Chrestine wanted to talk with Annabeth, and I went to talk with Percy. He smiled, but I could see something was bothering him.

I sighed. "What did you do now?" I said and he told me a long-complicated story.

In Percy's view, the summer break had taken an unexpected turn as he reluctantly starts his orientation at Goode High School, thanks to his mom's boyfriend, Paul Blofis. Despite his past troubles at other schools, Paul convinced Goode to accept Percy. Percy was anxious about the situation and worries about revealing his true identity as a demigod. Percy was also scheduled for a "not-a-date" with Annabeth.

As Percy attempts to navigate orientation, he encounters strange cheerleaders who seem hostile. The situation escalates when he realizes a redheaded girl from his past, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, is also present. Concerned about exposure, Percy follows Rachel, leading to a confrontation with supernatural beings called empousai. The empousai, disguised as cheerleaders, attack Percy, but with the help of Rachel, he manages to defeat them. However, the encounter results in a fire at Goode High School. In the aftermath, Percy and Annabeth head to Camp.

"I swear, every time you get close to something important you mess it up!" I said teasingly while punching his arm.

"What do you mean?" he asked me a little confused.

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