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In the depths of slumber, I found myself ensnared within the tendrils of a vivid dream, a realm where reality blurred and shadows danced with whispered secrets. As if drawn by an invisible force, I stumbled upon a clandestine meeting unfolding before me, obscured by the misty haze of my subconscious.

There they stood, Marie and Luke, their figures shrouded in the dim twilight of the dream world. Their voices, though muted and distant, echoed with a chilling clarity, weaving a sinister tapestry of betrayal and deceit.

Luke's sinister grin sent shivers down my spine as he spoke, his words dripping with malice and ambition. "With Orion out of the picture, our path to resurrecting Kronos will be unimpeded. We shall rule over the gods and mortals alike, bending them to our will."

Marie, her features twisted with a mix of trepidation and determination, nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we must proceed with caution. Orion may be oblivious now, but he is not to be underestimated. We must ensure he remains unaware of our true intentions until the time is right."

My heart clenched with a mixture of disbelief and horror as I watched the scene unfold, a silent observer trapped within the confines of my own subconscious. How would Marie conspire with Luke to betray me and unleash such chaos upon the world?

As the dream continued to unfold before me, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from the chilling exchange between Marie and Luke. The air around them seemed to thicken with each whispered word, carrying the weight of their nefarious intentions.

Yet, as the conversation wore on, a subtle change began to creep over Luke's demeanor. His once-fiery eyes now dulled with fatigue, and his movements grew sluggish as if burdened by an invisible weight. Despite his efforts to maintain a facade of confidence, the strain of his dark ambitions seemed to be taking its toll.

With a weary sigh, Luke stumbled backward, his voice faltering into a weary mumble. "Our... our plans... must... must succeed..." he muttered, his words trailing off into an incomprehensible murmur.

Beside him, Marie's expression tightened with concern, her gaze flickering between Luke and the ornate gold sarcophagus that loomed in the shadows. The ancient artifact seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, its presence casting a haunting aura over the clandestine meeting.

"Luke, you mustn't falter now," Marie urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "The resurrection of Kronos hinges on our success. We cannot afford to waver."

But Luke's strength seemed to ebb with each passing moment, his resolve crumbling like ancient stone beneath the weight of his own ambitions. With a trembling hand, he reached out to the sarcophagus, his fingers grazing its cold, metallic surface.

"We... must..." he murmured, his voice barely audible above the distant echoes of the dream world.

As the dream continued to unfold, the dim misty haze of the subconscious seemed to coalesce into a darkened chamber, where I stood alone, surrounded by shadows that danced with malevolent intent. In the center of the room stood a solitary figure, cloaked in darkness, his silhouette twisting and contorting with an otherworldly presence.

The figure turned towards me, his voice a sinister whisper that slithered through the air like a serpent. "Orion Pierce," he intoned, his words dripping with honeyed deceit. "Join us, and together, we shall bring about a new era of power and dominance."

My heart quickened with a mixture of fear and confusion as I beheld the figure before me, his form shrouded in darkness yet emanating an aura of ancient malevolence. Instinctively, I recoiled from his presence, a primal instinct warning me of the danger that lurked within his words.

Maze of MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora