Unexpected Reunion

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We arranged a meeting in Times Square. We found Rachel in front of the Marriott Marquis, and she was completely painted gold.

I mean, her face, her hair, her clothes—everything. She looked like she'd been touched by King Midas. She was standing like a statue with five other kids all painted metallic—copper, bronze, silver. They were frozen in different poses while tourists hustled past or stopped to stare. Some passerby threw money at the tarp on the sidewalk.

The sign at Rachel's feet said, URBAN ART FOR KIDS, DONATIONS APPRECIATED.

Annabeth, Percy, Chrestine and I stood there for like five minutes, staring at Rachel, but if she noticed us she didn't let on. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. She didn't move or even blink that I could see. Being ADHD and all, I could not have done that. Standing still that long would've driven me crazy. It was weird to see Rachel in gold, too. She looked like a statue of somebody famous, an actress or something. Only her eyes were normal green.

"Maybe if we push her over," Annabeth suggested.

I thought that was a little mean, but Rachel didn't respond. After another few minutes, a kid in silver walked up from the hotel taxi stand, where he'd been taking a break. He took a pose like he was lecturing the crowd, right next to Rachel. Rachel unfroze and stepped off the tarp.

"Hey, Percy." She grinned at him. "Good timing! Let's get some coffee..."

She looked at me with her eyebrows scrunched. She was studying me, like she was trying to read me like a painting. Her eyes became wide in recognition.

"Hya! Is that you!?" She said with her mouth agape.

The sound of the nickname gave me shivers down my spine, I finally realised who sje was.

"Elise?" I asked in disbelief. The memories of our encounter earlier in life came back to me with a jolt.


It was a chilly evening in Oslo, the streets illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. I found myself strolling through the quiet main street, the crisp autumn air sending a shiver down my spine. Lost in thought, I barely noticed the sound of footsteps approaching from behind.

"Hey, are you okay?" a voice called out, breaking through the silence and causing me to startle slightly. I turned to see a young woman standing there, her eyes wide with fear.

She was clutching a small bag tightly to her chest, her features drawn with anxiety. "I... I thought I saw something," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "A... a monster."

Instinctively, I reached out a hand to steady her, offering what little comfort I could. "It's okay," I reassured her, my voice calm and soothing. "You're safe now. Whatever it was, it's gone."

She took a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she forced herself to calm down. "Th-thank you," she murmured, her gaze meeting mine with gratitude.

I offered her a small smile in return, hoping to ease her fears even just a little. "No problem," I replied gently. "I'm Hyamenos, by the way."

"Elizabeth," she introduced herself, her voice soft as she returned my smile. "Nice to meet you, Hyamenos. Can I call you Hya? Its quite an exotic name you have."

I smiled at her and nodded. «Then I'm calling you... Elise!" I said trying to lighten the mood.

We stood there for a moment in comfortable silence, the tension of the encounter slowly fading away.

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