The Beginning of Journey

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(Before starts reading I would like to point out that all the animal references in this book are for the entertainment of the readers only, it has nothing to do with history, and what I write will be taken as a fantasy. I do not support the killing of any animal, so I will say again, do not judge a fantasy story by science, or the comment will be blocked and reported to the originator. thanks)

A huge tigress came out but this is much bigger than the commn in the zoo, about 4 times bigger with some fur on the back and the cannes are much bigger than the comparison.

Hunger flashing in her green fierce eyes she glanced around, smelling if anything is available to satisfy her appetite,

Hunger flashing in her green fierce eyes she glanced around, smelling if anything is available to satisfy her appetite,

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Taehyung is scared as hell, he grabbed jungkook's hand, jungkook looked at him and saw taehyung is sweating in fear.

"Don't worry she can't do anything to us", jungkook whispered barely making the sound come out.

"B- but if it attacks", Taehyung said whispering,

"It won't because she won't smell us i used oil to hide our smell", Jungkook replied.

Jungkook's eyes are fixed in the massive creature, because this is his job to protect humans from the wild animals, protecting animals from poachers, guiding tourist around, taking care of people when they die at the hands of animals, he has worked hard and today he is the captain of the group,

Jungkook has been an animal lover since his childhood and when he grows up decided to work as a forest ranger to protect nature and animals.

Taehyung saw the tigress coming towards their jeep.

"Jungkook, Jungkook it's coming, it's coming here", Taehyung panicked and grabbed Jungkook's hand tightly,

"It's okay baby, she won't smell us", jungkook whispered.

They saw the tigress came very close to their jeep, watching it very closely.

Thinking that what the fuck is this.

"Don't move don't make a single movement", again Jungkook warned taehyung who is already sweating.

He did exactly what jungkook told him to do.

The two saw the animal circling around them and roaring, it tried to claw at the back of the jeep but couldn't, only scratches on the body but nothing happened.

The tigress walk around the car for a while trying to figure out what was standing licked it but when she couldn't figure out where it came from she went on roaring.

Taehyung felt so hot that he ventured out as soon as the creature left.

"Don't you dare to get out of the car, you think it's gone but no it's right here, watching over us", jungkook exclaimed slowly.

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