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Taehyung's POV:

When I opened my eyes i was sleeping in my bed, in my... no jungkook and my house.

But jungkook was nowhere to be found,

Neither other's,

Yoongi hyung or other's.

I called them but they are not here.

I was shocked and with a thud i sat on the bed and looked everywhere,

It's my bedroom, sorry our bedroom, me and Jungkook's.

Our paintings and everything was just like it was before, nothing changed.

I started crying because jungkook couldn't make it, he stayed or should i say he was left at that place,

I cried hard,

The pain of losing my only family was like living hell,

I looked at the sky and saw the sun was shining and it was 9:45 on the wall,

Our wedding photos are beautifully decorated on the pretty purple wall.

I'm sad,

I'm lonely,

I'm alone,

I want my jungkook back,

I don't know how I can't live without him,

I want my jungkook back,

God please, please let me go there again, i know my jungkook is waiting for me,

And suddenly I heard my phone rang,

I didn't want to take it,

So i ignored it,

Again it rang,

And keep ringing like an annoying kid.

I got angry and wiped my tears and when i saw the name,

I was shocked,

'My Love' is calling and it's jungkook's number,

My eyes widened,

I put the speaker on,

"Hey tae, where are you?", It's my jungkook,

He made out from that place.

I cried in happiness now,

But i sense desperation in his voice,

"Gukie please come back home, please gukie", i speak while crying in happiness,

He assured me and cut the call,

He told me he was driving but fall asleep and got a strange dream,

When he woke up he saw he caused the traffic jam.

My gukie also came,  I'm so happy about it,

He found a way,

I thanked god,

But what happened others,

Well I'll ask gukie to call yoongi hyung and he will contact others for me.

I saw myself in the mirror and smiled then i went to the wardrobe and saw the calendar,

10th of July, 2023

My eyes widened,

This is the day we're getting divorce,

I'm shocked,

"The hell", I spoke and looked at my phone, the same date was showing,

I searched Google and it's also showing the same,

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