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Beyonce POV

"So how you and my baby been, mamas?" Jay asked as he picked Asharia out of her stroller while she giggled and kicked her little legs. "Hi, Daddy! I miss yew!" She wrapped her little arms around his neck making me smile as they hugged and he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. By the way that he acts, you would have thought Jay was the dad. But at the end of the day, Jay's been there taking care of us since the beginning even when he didn't have to.

He and I dated my freshman year of college, he was a sophomore and I was vulnerable and he made sure that I was comfortable with everything. Including helping me get a job, making sure I always had a babysitter for Sharia, and even making sure I wasn't too overwhelmed with the sudden rush of new motherhood. Thank God I didn't have postpartum depression because that would have made things 90 times worse. But even so, he was there for me for this new experience and every day I will never be able to thank him enough.

"I'm good Jay, how have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while, had me thinking you forgot about me or something. But you made sure to FaceTime Boog every night though." I playfully rolled my eyes and mugged him.

He chuckled and bounced Sharia on his lap as she played with the tablecloth at the restaurant we were currently dining at. "I been good, I was in the stu with The Dream the other day though."

"Oh my God, please tell me you didn't-" He laughed confirming my thoughts. Every time Jay has a meeting with a big-time producer he always gets them to book studio time for me to go in and work with them. It started when I first sang around Jay while I was pregnant. Ever since then he keeps saying he's gonna make me a star. He has a record label but I won't let him sign me to it because I refuse for anybody to say I slept my way to the top. They won't be doing me like they did Nicki Minaj, You fucked the whole Empire - who you tryin' to be, Cookie?

"How bad is the pain on a scale of 1-10?" Jay asked me as I tried to use my breathing techniques. I was currently having Braxton Hicks and they were kicking my ass.

"Ten!" I cried out in pain as I hunched over and grabbed my belly.

"Shit shit shit." He mumbled under his breath as he rumbled around. This shit hurt so bad, I swear on my soul my baby is going to be an only child UNLESS I adopt.

"Hey Mama, Bey is having pains but I don't think she's in labor. What can I do to help her??" I heard him stress to either my mom or his since he refers to both of them as such.

Whoever was on the phone replied and he responded then I heard him shuffling around. He placed the phone down next to me and I heard my mom say my name which for some reason made me overwhelmingly emotional.

"Mommy! It hurts so bad!" I said with tears crowding my vision.

"I know honeybee but you have to calm down, you have been stressed all week and now it's reflecting out on the baby. You have to calm yourself down before you force yourself to use all your energy. Okay Love? Take a deep breath. Try singing to her."

I took a deep breath and rubbed my belly laying back as Jay helped me put my feet on the couch. He slid a pillow behind my back and laid a blanket over my legs.

"Go to your happy place BeyBey, think happy thoughts." I laid my head back and went to my happy place. A field of yellow tulips. I'm lying in the middle of the field as bees and butterflies flutter past me and my baby girl. My Halo.

I let the words fall softly from my lips as I laid my head back and rested my hand over my eyes.

Before I knew it the cramps faltered and I felt the baby move in a comfortable position. I took a breath and carefully sat up looking down at my big, round, belly, and slowly stopped rubbing.

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