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Beyonce POV 
Two Weeks Later

Things between me and Megan have gotten worse since she finally came out of the room. She's been going to work, playing with Asharia, cooking, and having company overall while she acted like I'm not here. If I didn't know better I'd say she doesn't care about me. The only inkling of a thought that I still have that says she still gives a fuck about me is the fact that when she cooks she'll leave me a plate without a word. Every time I try to talk to her about what happened, she just automatically shuts me down. 

I have a feeling that I'm going to need to pack my things soon and head back down to Texas. Around 4 months ago, me and Asharia followed Meg back to her main residence in Los Angeles. I agreed to move in with her since she said we could live together and still take it slow. Plus Asharia told me I wasn't getting a Mother's Day gift if I didn't move with her Mama. So that's how that came into play.

But today I'm picking my baby up from school so I have to put on a happy face for her. I know she worries about me but I don't want her to. She's only a kid. She doesn't need to worry about her Mommy. 

I parked in front of the daycare building and got out. I headed in with her favorite Happy Meal, 6-piece nuggies, apple slices, orange Fanta mixed with Minute Maid, and a toy. 

"Hello Ms. Knowles, are you here to pick up little Asharia?" The woman at the desk in the vestibule asked. I nodded and picked up the pen since I already knew I had to sign her out since I was coming to get her an hour earlier since I was taking Sharia for a Mother-daughter day. 

"Yes, I am, how was her day?" I inquired as I filled in the basic information, Her name, my name, date, and time.

"She had a pretty good day," She started as she pulled up Asharia's information on the computer to see what activity she was in currently. "She visited the nurse's office earlier to get a band-aid since she scraped her knee while she was in recess. She was a bit upset until we got her cleaned up and a Naurto band-aid on her boo-boo." She finished off. 

I chuckled, knowing Megan was the one who had her hooked on her Naruto. She did the same with me. 

"Well I'm glad y'all were able to calm down her almost meltdown," I said gratefully. 

She smiled and nodded before picking up the phone and dialing an extension. "Hi Ms. Green, little Miss Asharia is going home today, can you send her to the office with all of her belongings please?" The woman on the other end of the line said something which I'm guessing was a yes, based on the secretary hanging up the phone contently. 

"Alrighty, she will be down in a few minutes. You can have a seat in the waiting area." I nodded and did as asked. 

Asharia came out from the classroom hall a few moments later, all bubbly and smiling. "MOMMY!"

I smiled and stood up hugging her and picking her up. "Hey, Pretty girl! I missed you!" I said before I began kissing all over her face making her bust into a fit of giggles." 

"I missed you too momm- OH MY GOOSH FOOD!" She exclaimed when she saw her Happy Meal box. I chuckled, picked it up from the seat next to me, and carried her to the car. She opened the box and started eating her nuggets. 

I strapped her in her seat as she continued eating like she had never eaten. I chuckled and kissed her head as I closed her door. 

"Mommy?" She asked once I was in the car and strapped in.  

"Yes, honeybun?" I asked as I began driving to Target since she'd been asking me for the last week to go. I know she's about to run my credit card bill up the roof. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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