Part 9

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(Aaron's POV)

 "has anybody seen Prentiss? Where the hell is Prentiss?" I shout aimlessly waiting for somebody to respond. Instead, I get looks of confusion.

"What's up Hotch? I was in the bathroom sorry." She tells me all the while fidgeting with her hands and quivering her lip.  I told her it was fine I just wanted her to help me interrogate this suspect. 

Emily is the first to walk into the interrogation room, I follow closely behind her after I grab a water bottle. This guy is a major narcissist, he's a pathological liar, and he has no empathy for anything or anyone at all. We both sit down opposite the suspect. 

The suspect is first to speak "What more do you guys want from me, I haven't done anything at all." 

"Well, Carter Hutcherson. Where were you around 11:30 pm - 2:00 am on Friday?" Emily says

"I was at home, sleeping in my bed."

"So no alibi?" I ask.

He just sits there quietly, and after some time he grabs the water bottle I brought in for him. His hands are shaking while putting the water up to his mouth, that's an indicator of guilt and he is nervous. 

We continue with the interrogation and throughout it, I notice some things about Emily, her leg hasn't stopped bouncing since we got in here and she's picking at her nails. She is doing a very good job at interrogating him though, I haven't been in the room with her while she's doing it before so I'm glad I'm in here now. Just as we're getting up to leave, Carter asks if he can go home and me and Emily both say no.  Emily and I walk out and head over to the conference room together. 

"Emily, are you feeling alright?" 

"Yes. Why is everybody asking me that?" She responds with hostility in her voice. 

"We've noticed that you haven't been yourself lately and we just wanted to check in to see if everything is okay. We care about you." 

"Well, I'm fine. So just drop it, K?" 

She walks away from me before I even have the chance to say something in response to what she has just said to me. She has been acting really out of character recently, and I'm unsure what I can do to help her return to her normal self.  

(Emily's POV) 

 I walk away from Hotch because I don't have the energy to keep telling everyone I'm fine, why can't they just drop it already? I know they don't care, they are all just pretending to. I walk into the conference room when I see JJ walking over to me. We are not doing this right now, I don't have the patience for this shit. 

" How did it go?"


"The interrogation? How did it go?" 

"Oh yeah right, sorry. Yeah, it was fine he seemed very nervous." I don't know why I apologized, everyone always tells me I apologize way more than what is deemed necessary. I don't know why I do it, it kind of just happens.  

"Yeah, that's to be expected when you're accused of murder. How are you doing though, honestly?" JJ quiets her voice down when asking me. 

I look at her and I know she can tell that I'm pissed, I turn around and just walk away without answering her. I don't want to talk about this, I don't care to either. All she will do is tell me to get help, and I am not doing that because nothing is wrong with me. I mean I know normal people don't think how I do, but I also know that everyone hasn't been through everything I have. I'm just tired of everyone always trying to fix me like I'm broken or something. It's just annoying how everyone thinks I'm not okay when in reality I'm fine. 

I continue to walk away from JJ, I can hear her footsteps behind me but I don't care if she's following me or not. I walk out of the station and walk over to the SUV,  I get in and before I have the chance to lock the doors JJ gets in the passenger side. 

"JJ we are not doing this." 

"Oh yes Emily, we are doing this. Right here. Right now." she turns around and faces me. I turn and look away from her so she can't see the tear rolling down my cheek.

"Why are you pushing me away, all I want to do is help you." 

"That's the problem. I don't need help, I am fine. What do you guys not get about that?" I suddenly get a phone call, It's from my mother... 

Oh no, why is Emily pushing everyone away? Why did her mother call her? Again hope you enjoyed it!!! Sorry it took a while for me to update, life got really busy. 

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