My Little Girl...(10)

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Oogi flies toward the Eastern Air Temple carrying Korra, Jinora, Tenzin, Bumi, Kya, and Y/n's spiritless body. 

Ikki is laughing and riding on an air scooter near Pema and Meelo as Oogi comes in for a landing.

"Dad's back!"

Pema approaches the flying bison, looking confused.

"Where's Y/n?" Bumi lifts up Y/n's inanimate body.


Pema drops the flowers running over to Bumi. As Tenzin stood beside his older brother.

"Her spirit is trapped in the Spirit World, but she's going to be all right." He explained to his wife.

"How could this happen?"

"It was all my fault. I should have never let Y/n and Jinora enter the Spirit World without me. I couldn't protect her." He hung his head low.

"I'm so sorry, Pema. Y/n saved us from Unalaq but yet he tricked me."

"Don't worry, honey, I'm not going to stop until our niece is back safe with us." He rubs the back of his hand along her cheek.

"Please, she's all I have now." Bumi pleads with his brother holding his daughter closer to him.


Bolin turns up to see Oogi descending to the Arena. Korra jumps off the bison and approaches the president.

"President Raiko!"

"Avatar Korra? What's wrong?"

While Tenzin, Jinora, Kya, and Bumi walk up. "Sir, I know I've asked for your help before, but things have changed. Unalaq doesn't just wanna take over the South anymore. He wants to destroy the whole world."

Raiko looks on in fear.

"Unalaq is going to destroy the world? He really does have a doomsday device?" Bolin panicked a bit.

"He's trying to release a powerful dark spirit during Harmonic Convergence, which is only a few days away. If he succeeds, the world as we know it, is over. Sir, we desperately need your help." Korra pleads with the president.

"I'm sorry, Korra, but my answer is still no."

Korra and Aang's children widen their eyes in shock.

"My only cousin risked her life to save me! And you're not going to do anything?!" Jinora exclaimed at the president causing everyone to be surprised at her outburst.

"What do you mean she risked her life?" Asmai walked up to Jinora confused by her statement.

Bumi placed his hand on Jinoras shoulder. "My little girl life is on the line! She's all I have left! You have to reconsider!"

Bumi backs up his niece as they plead with Raiko. Asmai and Bolin gasp in shock upon hearing the news.

"Y-y/ stuck in the spirit world?" Asmai asked as Korra and Jinora nod their heads.

"B-but I wrote to her not too long ago. I-it can't be true..." Asmai takes a few steps back.

"I'm aware that lives are on the line. And that's precisely why my troops are staying here. If the world is going to be thrown into chaos as you claim, I need to protect my citizens. I'm sorry."

Bolin placed his hand on Raiko's shoulder "Sir, Nuktuk needs your help. I know you love helping people."

"Son, I appreciate you saving my life and I'm a big fan of your work, but my decision is final." He walks off as Bolin lets out a heavy sigh.

"Never should have saved that guy"

"If you guys need help, I'm here for you."

"Yeah, me too."

"Thank you. It's so good to see you guys again." Korra looks around noticing someone missing in their group.

"Wait. Where's Mako?"


Mako sitting in his cell as he hears the door open and looks toward it. Bolin walks into his cell.

"So, how was the big premiere?" Mako asked his brother a bit annoyed.

"I saved the president, in real life!" Bolin exclaimed as Mako straightened up his posture in shock.

"Wait, wh-what?"

"You were right about Varrick. He tried to kidnap Raiko!" Bolin admits to his brother's theory of varrick.

"I knew it!"

"But it didn't work, because of you, and because of me. Let's just say we both did good. Beifong says you're free to go. " He shows the door open ready to walk out together.

"Sorry for ever doubting you, Mako." Bolin hangs his head low as Mako taps on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it bro."

Mako and Bolin hug each other as they walk down the hallway entering the visitor area where the brothers walk out and are greeted by claps.

"Nice job, Mako. You're going to make a great detective."

"But chief, there aren't any detective openings right now."

"Actually we have two openings." Lin glances at them as Lu and Gang stare at each other in shock. 

Mako smiling warmly he turns to the left waiting to see y/n but she's nowhere in sight.

Korra runs forward and kisses him, with Asami being taken aback and Bolin startled at the kiss.

"Mako, I've missed you so much."

Bolin eyes the situation awkwardly and Asmai crossed her arms. "Oh yeah, did I forget to tell you? Korra's back." Bolin awkwardly mentions.

"Korra ... hey, I missed you, too. So you're not still mad at me?" Mako asked her as she raised her eyebrow.

"Why would I be mad?"

"We had that fight before you left, remember?" He mentions trying to jog her memory.

"No, not really. I got attacked by a dark spirit and I lost my memory for a little while. Maybe it hasn't all come back yet. Was it a bad fight?" She glances at the floor before looking back up at him.

"Uh ..." He looks over at the spectators witnessing the whole ordeal.

"No. No, it wasn't that bad."

"Korra, we don't have much time. We need to figure out how to deal with Unalaq and save y/n.." Tenzin walks over breaking up the small reunion.

"Save y/n? What's going on?" Mako turns over to Korra for answers.

"Me, Jinora, and Y/n entered the spirit world to close the portals but...y/n stayed behind to fight off Unqala. Her spirit is trapped in the spirit world." Korra didn't dare to look at Mako.

"And you let her stay behind!" Mako exclaimed as Korra took a few steps back surprised by his outburst.

"I-I didn't want to! She told me to leave with Jinora! Unqala almost took her soul!"

"You could have saved her! Where's y/n body?!" He frantically asked pushing Korra out of the way.

"She's back at the temple with my sister. Trying to keep her spiritual energy flowing." Bumi spoke up placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Take me to her! I have something to say to her! Something I should've done years ago."

Mako hurray out of the station with Bumi as the rest of the team watched them run out.

//Spirits// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {2}Where stories live. Discover now