I Choose You, Fuecoco

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I don't own Pokémon Horizons: The Series. It belongs to The Pokémon Company. I only own Vexa.
Vexa was sound asleep in Friede's arms when suddenly, she woke up to a loud scream. She and Friede got up to investigate what had happened.

"What's going on?" Vexa yawned.

"An intruder?!" Friede exclaimed before congratulating Captain Pikachu on his capture.

"Roy? What are you doing on our ship?" Vexa asked, rubbing her eyes due to sleepiness.

"I wanted to see Fuecoco," the boy said.

"Fuecoco?" Vexa asked.

"Yeah... So we can sing together," Roy replied.

Liko ended up helping Roy try to find Fuecoco, but they had no luck and wanted to try again tomorrow.
"Morning, Liko!" Roy exclaimed the next morning.

"Oh, good morning," Liko said back.

"You sleep alright, Roy?" Friede asked.

"Yeah, I slept great!" Roy grinned.

"Morning..." Orla said, looking dead and exhausted.

"Orla, did you pull an all-nighter again?" Vexa asked.

"Yeah..." Orla yawned. "I had to. The patches are barely holding. Plug one hole, another opens up... It's like playing whack-an-Sentret."

"I'll figure out some way to get materials today," Friede said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Do you think if I call him, he'd help out?" Vexa asked Friede, who looked at her with a scared expression.

"No! No need to bring him into the conversation, Vex," Friede exclaimed.

"Who is he?" Liko asked.

"No one," Friede quickly said as Orla explained what was actually wrong with the ship.

Roy suggested the island Pokémon to help, and Friede agreed.

"Do you have something in mind, Roy?" Liko asked.

"My grandpa might have some ideas!" Roy suggested.

"Okay. After breakfast, we'll go and see," Friede said.

Orla said that she and the others were going to move the ship over to the beach.
As Vexa, Friede, Liko, and Roy approached Roy's grandfather's house, Friede noticed that it was the same house as the one they had visited yesterday, where the elder lived.
"Boarding someone's ship without permission?!" Roy's grandfather scolded him.

"Settle down, sir... It was just a kid acting on impulse. No need to be so angry..." Friede tried calming down the elder.

"Yes, please. Calm down!" Vexa pleaded with the elder.

The elder got up and brought back some food, much to everyone's surprise.

"Well, eat up," the elder practically demanded.

"Thank you, sir," Vexa bowed her head before grabbing some mochi and taking a bite.

"By the way, Friede... Did you solve that problem you had yesterday?" The elder asked.

"Oh, about that...." Friede started but stopped himself by noticing the mochi looked exactly like Caterpie and Weedle.

"Caterpie and Weedle's threads...!" Vexa said, having the same idea as Friede.

"That's it!" Friede agreed.

Roy explained how the thread was super-strong and they could probably get a Scyther to help out too.

Then, some villagers came by with additional food and Pokémon.
During playtime, Friede and Vexa noticed an explosion in the direction of the airship. Friede went to check it out, while Vexa stayed put for now.
Soon Vexa got tired of waiting and just rolled as fast as her wheelchair would take her. When she got to the beach, Vexa released Rotom Wash to help battle the Rhydon.

"Hydro Pump!" The Explorer's Rhydon was drenched.

Friede arrived not long after and began to battle the Corviknight.

"Rockruff! Rock Tomb!" Murdock commanded his Rockruff before Rhydon got encased in rocks.

"Rotom, use Shadow Ball!"

"You call those attacks?!" the explorer taunted before saying, "Take this! Rock Blast!"

Both Rockruff and Wash Rotom managed to dodge the attack; unfortunately, it also hit the Krabby.
Orla moved all the Krabby to a safer location as the battle continued, and Roy brought the Pokémon needed to fix the airship.

Mollie and her Chansey joined the battle as Orla and Murdock went to fix the airship. The airship was up and running in no time.

"Chansey, use Pound!"

"Rotom Wash, use Hydro Pump!"

While Pound missed its mark, Hydro Pump was a direct hit, and Rhydon went down.

Liko showed up as Rhydon was defeated and found herself surrounded by Corviknight's Hurricane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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