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Feeling the weight of his growing responsibilities, Jungkook unintentionally withdraws further. The demands of the expanding business consume his time and energy, creating a noticeable distance in his relationship with Y/n. Despite his love for her, the pressure to sustain the company's success becomes a priority, inadvertently contributing to the emotional gap that widens with each passing day. Struggling to find a balance, Jungkook becomes increasingly absorbed in the challenges of his professional life, inadvertently deepening the rift in their connection.

Y/n, sensing the increasing distance and Jungkook's absorption in his work, grapples with mounting anxiety and worries. The uncertainty about their relationship's future, coupled with a fear of being left behind, weighs heavily on her. The once-shared dreams and plans now seem distant, overshadowed by the relentless demands of Jungkook's business. Y/n longs for reassurance and the return of the closeness they once had, but the growing uncertainty fuels her anxiety, leaving her questioning the foundation of their relationship.

In the midst of the emotional turbulence, Y/n discovers she is pregnant. The news brings a complex mix of emotions, from joy and anticipation to heightened anxiety about the future. The timing, amidst the strain in her relationship with Jungkook, adds an additional layer of complexity to Y/n's emotions. As she grapples with the challenges ahead, the impending arrival becomes a catalyst for introspection and a potential turning point in their journey.

Amidst the already strained dynamics, an unexpected inconvenience disrupts Jungkook's work. It could be a major client pulling out, a project facing unforeseen challenges, or a sudden setback in the business. The additional stress further intensifies the pressure on Jungkook, pushing him deeper into the demands of his professional responsibilities and inadvertently widening the gap between him and Y/n. The unforeseen challenge becomes a pivotal moment, testing the resilience of both their relationship and Jungkook's ability to navigate the complexities of work and personal life.

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