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With a heavy heart, Jungkook gathers the courage to broach the delicate subject with Y/n, fully aware of the emotional fragility that envelops the room.

Jungkook: Y/n, there's something we need to talk about. I just learned about... About our baby.

Y/n: (Looking at her imaginary baby) Our baby is right here with us, Jungkook.

Jungkook: (Softly) Y/n, I know it's incredibly painful, but the doctors told me... Our baby didn't make it.

A solemn silence descends upon the room as Jungkook shares the heartbreaking news, delicately navigating the intersection of Y/n's hallucination and the stark reality of their loss. The weight of the revelation hangs in the air, and the room becomes a space where grief and compassion intertwine in the face of an unimaginable tragedy.

Y/n: (Anguished) No! You're lying! How could you say that? Our baby is right here! You're trying to take our baby away from me!

Y/n's grief transforms into an outburst of disbelief and pain, her emotions boiling over as she rejects the devastating reality presented by Jungkook. The room echoes with the raw intensity of her reaction, a visceral response to the profound loss that she struggles to accept. The emotional turmoil between them deepens, highlighting the complexity of navigating such a delicate and heartbreaking conversation.

Y/n: (Fiercely) You can't convince me, Jungkook! Our baby is here, alive! You're trying to make me believe something that's not true.

Jungkook: (Gently) Y/n, I wish it weren't true, but the doctors confirmed it. We've lost our baby. I know it's incredibly painful, but denying won't change the reality.

The room becomes a battlefield of conflicting emotions as Y/n vehemently denies the painful truth. Jungkook, torn between empathy and the need for Y/n to face the reality, attempts to gently persuade her to acknowledge the heartbreaking loss they've endured. The delicate dance between denial and acceptance intensifies, adding layers of emotional complexity to an already fraught conversation.

Y/n: (Furious) You weren't here! You didn't feel the pain, the emptiness! Now you come back and tell me our baby is gone? I can't believe you!

Jungkook: (Understanding) Y/n, I know I wasn't here, and I can't fully understand what you've been through. I want to support you, but denying the reality won't make the pain go away.

Y/n: (Tears streaming down) I can't accept it! And my body, it's not dead. I can feel everything!

As Y/n vents her frustration and clings to a reality that shields her from the unbearable truth, Jungkook grapples with the difficult task of providing support while acknowledging the depth of her anguish. The room becomes a battleground for emotions, with each word echoing the profound grief and the struggle to come to terms with a heartbreaking reality.

As the intensity of the emotional exchange takes its toll on Y/n, she suddenly collapses, overwhelmed by the weight of grief and denial. Panic seizes Jungkook as he rushes to her side.

Jungkook: (Panicking) Y/n! Wake up! Someone, help!

The hospital room transforms into a scene of urgency as medical staff rushes in to attend to Y/n. The collision of emotional turmoil and the physical toll on Y/n's body heightens the sense of crisis, leaving Jungkook gripped by fear for her well-being.

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