Morning Sickness (Drabble)

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just fluff!

being pregnant isn't easy at all. yeah okay, it's a nice feeling knowing that there's a baby growing inside your belly, your own flesh and blood, a baby that's proof of the love between you and alex.

yet, it's fucking exhausting.

you're nine weeks pregnant now and you're constantly feeling sick. it's not dependant on what you eat, what you do or anything else entirely. it wakes you up in the morning and forces you to the bathroom.

most mornings, alex is already up and doesn't even notice. when you come downstairs a while later to have breakfast, you still look a little pale, but that's about it. you don't wanna bother him with it, he's got enough on his plate with songwriting and recording. you're so lucky he's at home most days and can rub your feet or massage your shoulders.

you really don't want to be whiny.

this morning, however, the vile feeling in your stomach wakes you up earlier than usual. a gaze to the alarm clock tells you it's 5:30 am, and for a while you try to breathe it away. but it doesn't work. quietly, you get out of bed and tiptoe into the bathroom, silently closing the door behind you. turns out there is no more time to waste, because as soon as the door is closed, you retch into the toilet. you feel awful and disgusting, and it's so bloody tiring. having to throw up almost each morning takes a toll on you and your body.

when you feel you're done for now, you slump against the bath tub, sighing. suddenly, a knock on the door startles you.


oh shit. you really don't want him to see you like this, so you try to stand up quickly, but your body betrays you. feeling dizzy, you sit back down, holding your head.

slowly, the door creaks open. alex looks around the room, confused, but then he sees you sitting on the floor.

"what's wrong? are you okay?" he rushes to your side, examining your face carefully.

"morning sickness," is all you manage to reply, and alex cups your cheeks with his hands. you turn your head away so he doesn't see your face.

"baby," he warns, "when did it start?"

"'bout two weeks ago. it's nothing, really."

his face falls, "that long? why didn't you tell me?"

"didn't wanna bother you. you've been so busy."

alex tuts, "i'm here for you- you know that, right?"

"even if i'm miserable and smell of vomit?"

he laughs a bit, "yeah. even then."

he picks you up and helps you go downstairs where you lie on the couch. you already feel a lot better, even more so when alex takes the time to sit with you with your feet in his lap. you tell him about all the horrible mornings you've had, and he frowns when he realises how much you've been suffering.

"how can i help you, my darling?"

"you're already helping. i don't need more than that. it will pass eventually."

it goes on for another two weeks or so, you wake up feeling sick and it takes you straight to the bathroom. but you let alex know. he accompanies you each time, holds your hair and rubs your back. you have to admit, it's much better that way, you're not feeling alone and it seems easier somehow with him by your side.

it's then becoming a small ritual for the both of you to spend an hour or even longer on the couch or in bed- cuddled up together. alex makes tea and breakfast (given that you feel like eating) and you just spend time together. he tells you that you're his priority- he'd drop everything for you. he'd stop a concert if he had to. he'd rush to your side, no matter if it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive ;)

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