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I stared blankly at the walls in Lisa's office, a blanket pooled around my waist and a jumper hanging off of my frame to protect me from the cold air of Lisa's house. Lisa sat behind her desk, her head submerged in maps and paperwork to keep herself busy.

After I had discovered the bodies almost a week ago the whole pack had been turned upside down with the horrifying news. The family members of those who had been murdered were notified almost immediately and a funeral had been held deep in the woods a few days later. I closed my eyes as I remembered the faces of the parents whose children had been killed. Their faces would haunt me every time I closed my eyes and every time I tried to sleep at night it was all I could see.

The two who had been killed were Karina Yoo and Yeonjun Choi. They were both eighteen years old and were mates who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeonjun had been selected to patrol the north border and Karina had gone along to keep him company when they were attacked by rogues and no doubt my father had been present as well.

I knew that as soon as I read the letter that had been left I knew who the I was. I had gotten myself so caught up in the events that had happened in the past few weeks and my new found wolf that I had almost forgotten the threat of my father. The accident in the woods was only a reminder that he was still out there and the harm he was capable of inflicting. He was just as heartless as he was before me and my mum had been able to escape. The murder of two innocent pack mates proved that.

The entire pack felt the death of the two mates. Their family had locked themselves away after the funeral and a dark cloud surrounded the packs territory. The weather had worsened adding to the already saddened mood of everyone. My wolf had retreated into the back of my head as she silently grieved for the pack members that we had lost. She kept to herself and left me alone most of the time unless she wanted Lisa in which case she would begin to whimper and lightly push against my self-control. My mum had retreated to her bedroom where she spent most of her days only coming out for food.

Lisa and her dad had increased security as soon as the news of the deaths had been discovered. Patrols around the borders have been increased so that the border was always being patrolled and those on patrol were in groups of three. A curfew had been set in place and pack members were always meant to be in groups and never on their own.

Everywhere I looked pack members eyes were red and their heads cast down and guilt would slowly consume my entire being. It was all my fault that Karina and Yeonjun were killed as it was my dad who had killed them and sent the rogues on the territory. If my mum and I had never run away then Karina and Yeonjun would probably still be alive, their families would be still be complete and the heartache that everyone experience wouldn't have happened.

My dad was a cruel man that would never leave me and my mum alone. He was always going to come after us and he wouldn't rest until my mum and I had suffered to the point that we were broken beyond all repair. I shuddered at the thought of what my dad would do when he made an appearance and demand for my mum and I to return to him.

Lisa had already stated that her pack was more than willing to fight for me and mum, for our safety as I was Lisa's mate and the future Luna of the pack. I had argued as soon as the words had left Lisa's mouth as many people would most likely die when the time came and I couldn't have anyone else die for me. I wanted to walk straight out the front door and in to the forest until I was taken by my dad if it meant that Lisa and her pack was safe but I knew Lisa wouldn't let me take one step out the door without something being with me.

"Jennie," Lisa's growl pulled me out of my thoughts as I opened my eyes to see that Lisa was staring at me from behind her desk.

Lisa looked tired which only added to the guilt I was already feeling. Her hair was sticking up in all different directs from the amount of times she had run her fingers through her blonde locks and bags decorated the area under her eyes from the lack of sleep she had gotten at night which was my fault as well. Ever since I had found the bodies my nightmares had returned. I would sometimes dream about my dad and when he would beat me and other times I would dream about finding the bodies but this time they would be my loved ones. I had dreamt about the pack hating me last night with Lisa handing me and my mum over to my dad without hesitation.

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