Chapter 6

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"How did you two meet?"

This question immediately draws Taehyung's attention. His eyes snap up, but the moment he looks at you, his face seems to grow pale and he becomes awfully nervous.

"We, uh—we used to work at the same company before Alia left to venture into other things," he says, almost stuttering. He also keeps stealing glances at Alia, as if begging her to help him out.

Huh, strange.

What is it about answering your simple question which makes him so nervous?

Or perhaps...

Have they been seeing each other when the two of you hooked up?


The moment this thought crosses your mind, you suddenly feel sick. Your stomach grows heavier with anxiety. Meanwhile, Alia's smile seems to beam brighter.

"We didn't work in the same division back then, but we would frequently meet during breaks and company hours. Had it been, what, a year after we last met?" Alia turns to Taehyung, who stiffly nods his head. She grabs his hand once again and looks at him lovingly as she continues, "We met again last summer by chance while I was travelling and started talking since then."

Last summer? But that was before—

Your head starts spinning. You grab your glass and take a couple of small sips of your tea to regain composure, yet the drink suddenly tastes bitter on your tongue.

Honey's voice barely registers in your brain when she responds with a hum. "Travelling in the summer? That sounds like a charming way to meet a new lover," she says, lifting her mug to her lips as she continues marvelling at your stepsister's story. "You must have felt some sparks when you two met. I bet you're still feeling it now, aren't you?"

You have no idea what she has inside that ceramic mug, as she had been nursing the same drink since even before dinner started. You can bet money that she had more than a pinch of rum dropped inside that drink of hers, seeing how talkative she is becoming.

Oh, how you wish you could have a taste of it. Just a sip would have been good enough. Maybe it can also help to stop your hands from trembling.

"And the ring?" Honey asks again with a teasing tone as she points at their entwined hands. "I noticed that you two are wearing matching rings. You can't possibly be engaged already, can you?"

Almost choking on your drink, you slowly set your glass back down and pull your hands onto your lap, hiding them from prying eyes just in time as they begin to shake.

"But it wasn't that different back in the day," Honey continues, "I remember that Russ—that's my dear late husband," she explains to Taehyung, "he bought me a cheap ring at the beginning of our relationship to show me and my parents that he was serious about courting me."

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