Chapter 15

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"You're the only person I know in this room."

Fuck. Your cheeks shouldn't be getting warm just because he says something like this. You look away to hide it. "Is Alia the jealous type? Would it bother her to see us chatting as friendly as we do now?"

Taehyung scoffs. "I don't think she even bothers to notice. Not tonight, anyway."

"Yeah...she can be the least perceptive person in the room sometimes," you sigh as you watch your stepsister joking with her cousin without a single glance at her boyfriend. Realising what you just said, you turn to Taehyung to apologise. "Sorry, that was uncalled for."

"It's fine," he scoffs. "Trust me, I know it full well from experience."

There is a sarcastic tone in his voice that should have made you wonder about his comment. Yet there is a bitterness that you feel inside after hearing those words. Of course, he would have enough experience dealing with Alia's attitude.

They are dating, after all.

You look away and bite back that bitter taste in your tongue. "Right, of course."

Unlike Alia who can be completely insensitive to her surroundings, Taehyung notices your change of mood right away. You feel him sliding closer, just enough to allow him to speak in a low voice, but not enough to make people grow curious or suspicious that something is going on between the two of you.

"You promised that we could talk," he says, almost a whisper under the noises around you.

Your stomach feels tight with nerves. It's time. "I did, and we do," you say to him while clenching your hands. You are beginning to wonder if you had made the right decision of leaving the sonogram behind. Maybe bringing him back to your bedroom wouldn't be a good idea. "I have—something to tell you. Something important."

Taehyung nods. "Do you think we can slip out of the room unnoticed?"

"You You want to do it right now?" you hiss at him, glancing at Alia before looking back at him again. "Wouldn't Alia be looking for you?"

Taehyung merely scoffs. "Like I said, she's busy. Once she gets a few more glasses of drink, she'll be more focused on looking for a sofa to lie down on instead of noticing that I'm gone."

As if on cue, Alia's laughter echoes through the room, and she turns away to joke with both of her male cousins now. You also notice that she has somehow gotten a fresh glass of cocktail in her hand, and she must have drank it halfway already by the looks of it.

Looking around the room, you notice that the guests crowding the living room is slowly dwindling. Most of your relatives who had gotten enough of Honey's cocktail and received their gifts are starting to bid their goodbyes, hoping that they could return home before it gets too late and preferably before each of their designated drivers join in with the drinking. Yet there are some family members who have yet to show any sign of leaving soon, still enjoying their chat with Honey by the Christmas tree.

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