Chapter 16

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"You need to rest. The stress wouldn't be good for you."

Jennie's voice sounds subdued, worrying. She has always been shy, but she seems particularly cautious as she looks at you. As if she is trying her best not to look down at your belly. But her presence here and her small, careful voice offers you comfort. Something that you need as you lean against the doorway to your bedroom, feeling a bit too weak to stand on your own.

"I'm sorry you got entangled in all of this," is all that you can say to her. You feel guilty for having your cousin and your aunt roped into this whole drama, all because they had been there to witness it when everything unfolded.

While your step-uncle, Kyle, took over escorting the departing guests, and your mother is somewhere in the house to talk with your stepfather, Jennie had volunteered to help escort you back to your room. She becomes the calming force amidst the storm that helps clear your mind.

"It's fine," she waves you off. "You'll be paying me back once I've moved closer to you anyway. The couch is still available, right? You said I could crash until I'm settled."

That helps bring a smile to your face. "Yes, my door is always open. I'll let my roommate know that you're coming. She's usually open to welcoming family who needs help anyway," you say to her with full gratitude before adding, "Thank you for staying to help."

She nods and begins to turn away. "I better go check on Honey and see if my Mom is ready to go. I'll see you soon."

Too exhausted to say anything else, you simply thank her one last time and watch her go down the hall before closing the door. Once again, the silence in your bedroom gives you the perfect solace. It does nothing to erase the weight in your chest, however, or give you the answer you need as you wonder how you are going to talk to Taehyung about the whole thing.

You never expected that things would turn into such a mess, robbing any chance of you telling Taehyung about the baby properly, free of drama and uncertainty.

Just as you start dragging your feet towards the bed, you hear a soft knocking on the door, pulling you back to it. Thinking it might be Jennie, you immediately open it. "Did you forget—" Your voice falls to a hush when you find Taehyung standing there instead, giving you a small smile that draws back all the slow flutters in your chest.

"Oh, hi."

"Hey," he gently greets you. His smile is cautious, restrained, and his exhale of breath seems shaky. But he sounds calm when he speaks to you, "May I come in?"

You prepare yourself to answer, but your eyes flicker out the hallway, searching, a gesture that he easily notices. "Alia is with your parents. They're worried about you, but your Mom seemed a bit frantic because she didn't see the signs. Alia probably won't be looking for me until later. I wanted to talk to you first."

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