Encouragement from the Biblia

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 As I said goodnight to Decoy, it had felt like the most hope filled day in a very long time. I laid down to sleep and was asleep in seconds.

I don't remember much about my mother, but I remember her telling me that wonderful things happen when we sleep. I disagree. The dream I had that night was enough to break me...


Ezra woke with a clang as the guard opened the door. Gripping his sister and brother's hands, he glances over at Fae. His heart sank as he saw she was still unresponsive. As the guard reached to his belt for rope to tie up the siblings up with, Ezra let go of Aurora's hand and grabbed Fae's, squeezing it, as if hoping to inject some life into her.

Adonai, he silently prayed. I know You're here with us. You will never leave us nor forsake this. Please help Fae know that when we are gone.

The guard entered the cell, first brutally dragging Asher to his feet and tying him up. Next, he stepped over Ezra and did the same to Aurora, tying her to her little brother. Aurora squeezed Asher tightly, closing her eyes, tears seeping out of her eyes and leaving tracks on her filthy face.

As the guard reached for Ezra, he squeezed Fae's hand one more time and closed his eyes.


The guard marched the siblings out of the cell and into the hallway. Ezra stole one last glance at Fae, praying to Adonai that she would be ok. Soon enough, she was out of sight. Still trying to look back for her, Ezra felt the guard's swift punch to his face, as he said, "Keep moving."

Ezra glanced over Asher. His younger brother was dragging his feet, almost as unresponsive as Fae was. Aurora was practically carrying him, tears pouring out of her eyes. Ezra knew she would give her life a thousand times over to save her brothers' lives.

The guard led them through a hallway, and through a door. Limping through, Ezra saw an entire coliseum-like room, filled to the brim with jeering spectators. It was like they were there for a sports game, but Ezra knew their true purpose.

Kaya stood in the middle of the room, along with the executioner. She grinned upon their arrival. "Ladies and gentlemen!" she shouted, "the honorable Killians." She gave a dramatic bow, and the crowd went wild. The siblings stumbled to the area where she was, and she smiled wickedly.

"Who wants to go first?"


I awoke with a start. Rocking myself back and forth, silently praying that my dream had been nothing but a mix of my cruel imagination and grief. A sob escaped my lips as tears flooded my eyes.

It's just a dream, I promised myself frantically. It's just a dream, it isn't real. My desperate attempts to calm my racing heart failed miserably because I knew in my heart, the truth probably wasn't too much different..

"Why!?" I quietly questioned, "How could you put me through something like that? Just let me die in peace." I waited half-heartedly for an answer from a God I was certain had forsaken me, but none came.

My sorrow was wedged deeper into my heart. I turned and cried once more, I grieved the loss of Asher, Aurora, and Ezra, how my heart yearned for his gentle touch and comforting warmth when I thought his name. I grieved for my God, who once loved me, and the reassurance I once felt knowing he would always protect me...

I don't know how long I sat there. After seemingly ages, my tears dried up and my sobs turned to stifled sniffles.

A few weeks ago I would have given anything to see Ezra one last time. To grasp his calloused hands and kiss his warm cheeks, but now all I wanted was to forget.

At that moment, Decoy stirred. I shrunk away, but within seconds, she was awake. She quickly spotted my tearstained face, even in the dark, and we sat in silence for a minute.

"Dreams?" she asked, and I nodded. "Want to talk about it?"

That one question opened the floodgates of truth. I told her everything. From Ezra to Adonai to Kaya, to everything in between. Once I had poured my heart out, she sat there for a minute. I could tell she was considering her words.

"Have you ever read the Biblia?" she asked me. I nodded.

"A little," I said.

"Well, when I was a child, my mother would have me memorize portions of the Biblia, so wherever I went, I would have God's Word hidden in my heart, so that I might not sin against Him, Psalm 119:11."

"So, you just walk around quoting Scripture and it makes you happy all the time?"

Decoy laughed. "It doesn't make me happy all the time, but if I'm having trouble with pride, or sadness, or having a hard time trusting in Adonai, I immediately think of Scripture to handle the situation, and Adonai gives me great peace. Would you like me to recite some Scripture to you?"

Hesitating a little, I nodded. She smiled, and began to recite, "Adonai's Son once said, 'My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand', John 10:29. Adonai's Son Himself promised that He will always be with you. The Biblia also says that, The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.' I think that verse is Deuteronomy 31:8. Also..."

As Decoy spoke, I felt a sense of peace come over me that I had not felt in a long time. I prayed to my Father in Heaven, saying, Thank You that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank You for bringing Decoy to me, You are so kind to such a sinner and doubter such as me. Help me to trust in You, please, I need your strength. Please, Lord.

Even after Decoy had finished encouraging me with Scripture from the Biblia, I laid awake for hours. I wasn't tired at all, in fact, I felt more rested and at peace than I ever had. I prayed that entire night, and it was more nourishing for my soul than a thousand good nights of sleep. 

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