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What? I questioned silently Why are we here?

"Oh Adonai, it's beautiful." Decoy quietly whispered to heaven.

Her eyes scoured the stone arches and metal intricacies, "The architecture is gorgeous! How did I not know this castle existed! Based on what I can see it appears to be from the early 1400's! It's magnificent how good of a shape it has maintained!"

She took a few steps forward, prepared to thoroughly examine the castles every detail. A spike of fear erupted inside me.

"Stop!" I yelled frantically, lunging for her. I wrapped my fingers around her wrist pulling her back harshly, and stepping in front of her to block the path. Instantly a wake of disgust, hate, pride, and anger, so much anger, washed over me.

"Fae! What was that for!" Nix growled, reaching out to help Decoy up, "Decoy are you ok?"

A smile blossomed on her lips, "I'm fine Nix." She took his hand and he pulled her up.

She turned to me, taking a step towards me and the castle. The second her foot hit the ground, her smile faltered. For a split second her bubbly exterior cracked, exposing a terrified girl who had just experienced something awful. She took a scrambling step back, a look of relief falling over her features. And just like that it was gone. That terrified girl was brushed under the rug, hidden by a strenuous smile.

She crossed her arms uncomfortably, based on her body language it looked like she wanted to rip her own skin off. "You might not feel particularly inclined to answer Nix, but please, answer me." I stood there awkwardly pinned down under the gaze of the other, and the dark feelings swimming around in my heart and mind. "Why did you grab me?" She questioned curiously.

"We can't go near there." I spouted, a bit of the emotion trapped in my mind escaping through my mouth..

Decoy cocked her eyebrow, some sort of puzzle slowly being put together in her mind.

"This is the lair of The Fallen Stars. It's dangerous. This place... this place will change you."

Everyone stared at me confused, "Who are The Fallen Stars?" Asked Iris slowly.

Now it was my turn to be confused, "You don't know about them? They are an organization of people run by Lucifer Malum. They hunt and kill Adrielans."

I glanced around the group taking in everyone's surprised and horrified expressions. "We can't stay here. If we get caught we will all be thrown in jail and executed."

"They can't just kill us." Nix spat incredulously, "They have no proof that we've done anything wrong."

I laughed, "I'm proof. If we get caught someone will recognize me, I am currently supposed to be in jail. Aiding an escaped convict is definitely enough proof for them."

"Guys come on." Began Kylo, "Let's just get out of here"

He looped his arm around mine and we began walking away from the castle, back into the woods. Jerry, Decoy, and Iris nervously began to follow us but Nix had stopped dead in his tracks, and was now staring at a lone scraggly tree.

"Nix! Come on!" I called, annoyed, "We don't have time to cry over the trees." My eyes fell to the ground, shame quickly rushing over me as I remembered my own reaction when I had first seen the sickly trees. My annoyance quickly batted the feeling away.

Nix completely ignored me and strayed closer to the tree, reaching out a hand and running it along the bark.

"What's wrong with them?" His voice bubbled with emotion, something about it made my annoyance melt away.

When All Hope is Lost (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now