A Shift in My Thinking

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Returning to the camp, I found the others still asleep. Kylo was still on the hill, no doubt still in intense prayer. Smiling at the thought, I laid back down and closed my eyes. A couple of minutes later, Decoy sat up and stretched, loudly yawning. She crawled over to Jerry and kissed his cheek.

"Good morning, the love of my life," she said, smiling down at him. His eyelids began to flutter, and he got up quickly.

"Good morning." He kissed her back on the cheek. "Wake up, everyone," he called.

I groggily sat up; I had been close to falling back asleep. Soon enough, everyone is up and stretching.

"Where's Kylo?" Iris asked, poking the ashes of the fire with a stick.

"I never know where he goes," Decoy said and shrugged. Everyone else shrugged and started heading out to find firewood. Questions raced through my head, as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I spun around, ready to face my attacker, but instead faced Kylo, who caught my flying fist. Letting go quickly and rubbing his hand, he said, "Geez, I'm not here to hurt you. Let's go." He grabbed his bag and stood up.

"What about breakfast?" I asked, desperate for some food. He sighed deeply.

"Oh, I forgot." He sat back down.

Decoy cut in to explain, "Kylo is on a water fast."

"Really?" I asked, surprised, looking at Kylo. "Isn't that bad for you?"

He scoffed "You'd be surprised how many health benefits it has. After a week, it gets easy, and I have more energy than I did when I was eating. You never want to go too long though, that can hurt you. I always do it for around a month before stopping. I'm at 23 days right now."

Whistling underneath my breath, I was about to say something when I was cut off by Jerry and Phoenix's arrival back at camp. They put their bows and arrows down; the noise clattered through the clearing.

"That was quick!" Decoy exclaimed, delighted. They returned with several rabbits, which Decoy quickly prepared and cooked. It was the most delicious breakfast I ever had.

After I was finally done eating, (apparently, I'm slow, according to Kylo), we set off. Waving goodbye to Decoy and Mr. Plumber, I turned with a sigh to start my long trek.

Along our journey, I didn't learn much about Kylo, except that he didn't like questions and that he kept to himself most of the time. Every morning I woke up, he'd be off somewhere, evidently praying. I was enthused by his example, so I started a better prayer life. Every morning, I prayed wholeheartedly to Adonai and Immanuel, and my whole life changed because of it. I know I will never forget Ezra or his siblings, but at least now I am not sinking in grief. I was learning to trust, which was such a treasure.

The journey took 5 days. I learned next to nothing about Kylo, but I learned a lot about trusting Adonai. It was just about the best 5 days of my life.

When we reached the place Ezra brought me after my stay with Mr. Plumber, it took me a while to find the secret entrance. Kylo left me to search for a while, probably going to pray in a secluded spot. Eventually, however, I found the entrance.

As we walked through the hallway, I spotted the desk where Asher was when Ezra and I first came here. I felt a lump rise in my throat, but I quickly swallowed, praying to Adonai for help.

As we entered the room where the bridges were, I found them completely destroyed. Kylo started walking towards where they should have been, not paying attention.

"Kylo!" I shouted as his foot skirted off the edge. He screamed, which I was not expecting, and I grabbed his hand. His body fell down, dragging me to my stomach. I grabbed my knife and buried it in what was left of the bridge, holding on to his hand with my other hand.

"Do not let go!!" he yelled, obviously terrified. I tried to yell back at him, but the strain on my body was so much that I couldn't speak. Grunting from the labor, I tried to pull him up, but found my knife slipping as I tried. Finally, almost screaming from the endeavor, I succeeded in pulling him back up from the cliff and heaving him back on the walkway.

And that's when my knife gave out.

Starting to fall, I tried to let out a scream, but found my throat dry. Suddenly, I found my arm almost ripped out of its socket as Kylo heaved me back. We both collapsed on the walkway.

Barely audible over his heavy breathing, Kylo said, "You owe me."

I was about to open my mouth and pour out a tirade about how I saved him in the first place. I felt my face turning red with anger as I turned to let a tidal wave on him. However, when I turned, I found him laughing his guts out.

"I'm just messing with you," he chortled, holding his stomach. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Soon enough, however, his laughter became infectious, and soon, we were both losing it.

"Alright, come on," I said, coughing. I got up and held out my hand. "We gotta go." He nodded, speechless from laughter. He grabbed my hand, and I pulled him up.

After a couple of hours of surveying the cave for any intruders, I got to know Kylo better. He talked more freely, and I found him to be quite a jovial person. Thank you, Father, I prayed. I know I am quick to judge people but thank You for showing me my judgmental heart. Please change me and conform me to the image of Your Son.

As we set out on our journey back to camp, I glanced over at Kylo.

"Why were you so afraid back there?" The words flew out of my mouth before I thought. I internally kicked myself. Oh, Adonai, we're going to have a long chat tomorrow about me watching my words. I laughed inside.

Surprisingly, he didn't seem at all offended by the question. He just sat there, quietly thinking. Finally, he said, "I don't really want to talk about it."

I nodded, totally understanding.

After that we lapsed into a thick silence, the walk back to camp took hours and by the time we reached it was well into the late hours of night. Iris was sitting by the fire, looking half asleep. I waved in her direction as I climbed down from the hill quickly but carefully. She spotted us and a large grin grew on her face, she joyfully waved back.


The next day we led the group back to the cave, showing them around and telling them about our chaotic adventure. Laughter spread all around, especially from Nix, who was teasing his friend about being saved by a girl. Kylo punched him on the shoulder and laughed, sheepishly glancing over at me.

Decoy tapped my shoulder, "Fae, we have a slight change of plans."

I glance over at her, afraid at first but am calmed by her smile, "What is it?"

She rubbed her hands together, "We need to stop at Aurielee before we head over to the cave."

Nix stopped sharpening his knife, "Isn't this the cave?" He asked while pointing to the old base.

I shook my head, "We were attacked and had to move to a new cave. The new cave is where I got arrested." Nix nodded and the conversation returned to normal.

It wasn't until I was snuggled up under the stars that I wondered why we had to go to Aurielee. I guess I would find out eventually

When I woke up the next morning, before everyone else, Kylo wasn't there. I smiled, and got up to do likewise, feeling encouraged all over again.

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