Chapter 1: Anniversary

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You woke up gasping for breath. You blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted to the morning light. Once your mind caught up to your body, you realized that you were in your bedroom. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a familiar form standing at the door, watching you.

It would be a shock if it wasn't how you had woken up everyday since you could remember. That wasn't saying much, though, since you could only remember the last twelve months of your life.

The muscular figure at your door remained still as you cautiously rose from your bed. His cold eyes were barely visible in the shadow of his dark, shoulder-length hair. He folded his arms over his chest, and you waited for him to speak. It was a routine you were painfully familiar with.

"What were you dreaming about?" Lucci asked, the same as he did every morning.

"I don't remember."

You didn't. You never remembered. Nothing from your dreams and nothing from before you woke up in the medical wing of CP9 headquarters one year ago. The only difference now was that you woke up in your own bedroom on the top floor of the same building.

You were ready for him to attack. It was his way of keeping you prepared for anything, another aspect of your constant training. Instead, he allowed you to prepare for the day in solitude. He called it an anniversary gift. It had been one year since you woke up, ten months since they cleared you for training, six months since you began accompanying your sensei on missions, and three weeks since you were cleared for solo field work.

Your first mission on your own would begin in a few hours. The job would be easy. Arrive at the predetermined place. Find your target. He gives you a briefcase full of classified documents. You give him a briefcase full of cash. Then you get the hell out. It was simple.

Simple was a good thing, though. Simple meant success, and success meant you would go back to being a full-fledged CP9 agent. It was what you were told you had been working your whole life for, right? Truthfully, you hoped getting back in your routine would help bring back some of your memories. That's what Dr. V told you, anyways. He also said that based on all those scans of your brain he took, if you didn't start remembering something soon, you might never get back the memories you lost. Going on field missions with Lucci had gotten you nothing, not even a feeling of familiarity. You were running on auto-pilot for months, going through the motions of your previous life. Hoping, praying that you would feel... anything. This was your last shot.

You stared back at your reflection in the small bathroom mirror. The woman staring back was a face you knew. She was cold and calculating. She was a trained weapon of the government. She was a killer, and she was damn good at it. But she was hollow. She was utterly unfulfilled. Empty.

You slid the magazine into your handgun and racked one into the chamber before sliding it easily in the holster under your jacket. You held the leather briefcase tightly as you steadied your nerves. This was it. This was the only aspect of your old life with CP9 you hadn't been allowed to act out yet. Going on this solo mission had to trigger something in you to help get your memories back. It had to, because you couldn't bear to think what you would do if it didn't.


You carried out your mission easily. Your mark arrived on time, the handoff was seamless, and you were heading back to headquarters a few minutes ahead of schedule.

You kept to the preplanned route, walking the first several streets on foot and descended the steps into the subway station just before reaching Newgate Memorial Park. Everything was going exactly as planned up until you boarded your train.

As soon as you took your seat, you felt someone's eyes on you. You shifted yourself away from whoever it was, but you could still feel them watching you. You waited until you were approaching your stop before casually glancing toward the offending party.

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