Chapter 3: Game of Questions

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Sabo stood next to Koala in the dim light of the auto shop's back office, holding your unconscious form to his chest as they waited for Eustass Kid to speak.

"Killer, remind me. When we were expecting Blue and his little army brats?"

"Next week, after we contacted him to confirm we acquired what they asked for," Killer replied easily as he leaned on the wall behind Kid, arms folded casually across his broad chest.

Kid shot Sabo a wicked grin.

"You seem to have forgotten the rules of our agreement," Kid stated lowly as he idly played with a knife. "You're lucky I value our working relationship enough to allow you to explain why you think you can show up here without an invitation."

"I'm sorry we didn't have time to call ahead. We were in a bit of a rush." Sabo glanced down at your sleeping form before continuing. "But I don't think you'll want to turn down what I'm offering."

Kid's expression turned serious as he tilted his head toward you. "That's not the kind of merchandise I work with, and frankly, I find it pretty fuckin' suspicious that you would bring whatever kind of rush job this is to me." Kid was never a patient man, and it was clear whatever patience he had left was already worn thin. "I'll give you one more chance before I stop being so nice. Why. Are. You. Here?"

Sabo took a deep breath. His calm and casual attitude turned stern and serious. "I'm here because I didn't have another choice. I have two very serious problems. First, we have reason to believe we've been compromised." Kid's brows twitched, but Sabo pressed on before anyone could react. "If we are right, the source only had access to information from before we started working with you. I'm here because I know for a fact you are not at risk, and I need that to deal with my second problem."

"And your second problem is?"

Sabo swallowed hard before motioning to you. "Koala and I have to get the first problem under control, but we can't take her with us. She's one of ours, but the government is after her. We need you to hide her until we can get back. A few hours maybe, a day tops."

Kid frowned. "Government's always after you lot. What's so special about her?"

Sabo grimaced, and he tightened his hold on you without thinking. "The leader of CP9, he..." Sabo thought about what he witnessed from the shadows in the subway station. He knew Lucci only from the bodies he left behind. There were no stories from Revolutionary survivors because he left no survivors. The way he spoke to you though, he wasn't acting like you were a Revolutionary. He wasn't even acting like he wanted you dead. He wanted you alive, and he wanted you to go with him willingly. Sabo cursed his own mind for thinking up all of the horrible possibilities of what that might have meant for you. "He wants her alive, and he made it clear that he has a personal interest in capturing her."

"And you have a personal interest in protecting her?"

"I'll pay triple what I paid you for our last deal."

Kid hummed thoughtfully. He rose from the desk and sauntered in front of them. His gaze rolled over you, and a large finger tapped you on the cheek. Kid snorted when you sneered and grumbled in your sleep.

"Heavy sleeper?" Kid questioned, but his implication wasn't lost on Sabo.

Sabo glanced away briefly before returning Kid's gaze. "I sedated her. She's been through a lot." Just how much, he wasn't even sure.

Kid frowned as he took in more of your form. Your thin clothing was sweat-stained, your arm was recently bandaged, and your bare feet were filthy.

"Eustass, please. Just keep her hidden, and call me when she wakes up."

Sparrow [Eustass Kid x Reader] [Sabo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now